April 9, 2004
I am really really bored, so I decided to start writing in a journal again. My parents are buying me a new digital camera :) I can't believe they'd do that for me. I really was saving up my money to go buy one for myself but wow. My dad went and chose one and already ordered it. So I guess my dad isn't really mad at me anymore. Thank God. Anyway, hopefully I'll get that camera soon so I can take lots of pictures in the last couple months of my senior year. It's been a pretty interesting year, but I won't explain right now. That would take me ages. Instead, I'll talk about some recent events.
A few days ago (Tuesday) we had an NHS induction for the new members. The day before, we were supposed to have this rehearsal but we really didn't rehearse anything except tell the new inductees where to sit. So yeah, you could imagine, as unorganized as we are, there were plenty of mistakes made during the ceremony. I think I took the cake on goof-ups because ummm... I didn't write my speech. See, the bit about "leadership" (and other elements of NHS) was already scripted on paper but then there was the part on the presentation of special guests. I was supposed to be the first speaker and my script just said to ask all board members, administration, and faculty to stand to be recognized. It said to thank them for dedication to our school *cough* and for being here to show support. So yeahhhh... I totallllly forgot that I was supposed to come up with that part myself so right before the ceremony, I wrote ehh... half of my speech (after struggling for the ONE pen we had on stage). And I don't think I'll explain how I screwed my speech when it was my turn to speak :P so yeah... here are some pictures.