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Me January 1999 (acting stupid)


Me January 1999

Me, Athena and Kristi my cousin Oct 1999


Me at Camp Oct 1999


Me bowling July 1999


Left to right: Jill, Megan, Sarah, Allison, Athena, Me!!


Me Oct 1999 On my bunkbed at Camp


Me, Jill and Megan Oct 1999


Me in Downtown Cincinnati


Left to right: Me, Jill, Tiffany Oct 1999 eating at Orienteering Camp




My doggie, Asia!


Allison's volleyball picture!


Athena in my Santa Hat!

Me and my Santa Hat!


These next 3 are my doggie, she's SO cute!!


Left to right, top to bottom: Anne-Sophie and Allison (Anne-Sohpie was her foriegn exchange student)
Nathalie and Me (Nathalie was MY foreign exchange student)
We were riding the Beast at Kings Island!


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