Welcome to KidsGifs Guestbook!

megan buck - 10/03/00 18:57:39
My Email:mb_eeyore@yahoo.com


allena and jessica - 08/04/00 13:57:07
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/stars/measme
My Email:sistergirl2@whale-mail.com
What would you like to see here?: more gifs lol you have a great page!
Could you use anything?: I would like to use your bars if thats ok...
How many kids do you have?: none...I am jessica I am 27 and allena is 7 I am her sister and I made the pages for her....

I love your blues clues gifs....I used your bar...if you dont want me to let me know..I do have a link to you on my credits page...and on my blues clues page.

allena and jessica - 06/22/00 15:53:44
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/stars2/pooh
My Email:sistergirl2@whale-mail.com
Could you use anything?: yes blues gif
How many kids do you have?: I have no kids, but a kid sister that I spoil, lol

my sister and I love your page and gifs! thank you and I will definitly give you credit! if you would like to do a banner exchange just let me know, follow the links to see my stuff! I mainly do pooh right now but I have a barbie page and an activity page that includes blues clues!

gvcg - 06/20/00 06:00:41


Dylan's Mommy - 06/14/00 16:38:34
My Email:Lollimop@yahoo.com
What would you like to see here?: Lion King color pages

I need to find simple lion king color pages for a 2 year old. I have a hard time finding something that I don't have to buy.

Dawn - 06/11/00 00:45:59
My URL:/Heartland/Cabin/9028
My Email:browneyes_f99@yahoo
Could you use anything?: Yes
How many kids do you have?: none

I just love your pages!!!! you have done a great job on your pages. Keep up the good job!!! I am a big fan of Tigger!!!! I also invite you to came visit my page and sign my guest book so that you were there. Thanks!

Faiza - 06/05/00 19:17:48
My URL:http://www.brain.net.pk/~faizayub
My Email:faizayub@brain.net.pk
What would you like to see here?: your already perfect
Could you use anything?: I love lion king so I got it
How many kids do you have?: none but I love kids and have many friends 5 to 9 yr olds

good job!! give me ideas for my page as well though its something completely different. You can send me email if you have something more on lion king.

Patty - 05/29/00 23:15:19
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/goatbarngraphics
My Email:rpat64@yahoo.com
What would you like to see here?: You have it all.:)
Could you use anything?: A vacation

This is a very nice site.....Hugs

Blest With Angels - 05/28/00 23:53:43
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/debdre/index.html
My Email:debdre@yahoo.com
Could you use anything?: yes i loved your baby angels and used them for a page

Thank you for the graphics the are beautiful!! Your site is great also. Please visit my little home on the web and tell me if you liked my ideas. I would also be interested in learning how to win an award for my site:-) Thanks for everything!!!

Megan - 05/25/00 16:44:33
My URL:http://megans.place.tripod.com/index.html

Hi, you have such a *cute* site! I'm glad I found you place. Hope you can stop by and visit my place, and sign my gbook. Thanks, Megan

Queen Mom - 04/15/00 19:31:12
My Email:Lori_Bears.com
What would you like to see here?: Bears, cards
Could you use anything?: Yes


Sabrina & Bianca - 03/29/00 22:11:44
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/blondie3_ca
My Email:blondie3@sprint.ca
Could you use anything?: definately

My daughter and I both enjoyed your site, it's beautiful Thank you :o)

Erin - 03/27/00 02:46:34
My URL:http://msn.com
My Email:erin_mciver@hotmail.com
What would you like to see here?: anything that is precius
Could you use anything?: no
How many kids do you have?: 1 on its way

i love this page its so sweet and cute

Cheryl Pannell - 03/10/00 05:45:42
My Email:ccmbb@wf.net
What would you like to see here?: angel graphics
Could you use anything?: Yes
How many kids do you have?: None

I lost my baby daughter early in my pregnancy and I am in love with angels. I can just picture My Beautiful Madison with her angel wings and I love to look at pictures that have to do with angels.

Tracy (TIGGER) - 03/10/00 01:34:24
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/AmourAve/tracylee/index.html
My Email:trayden@telstra.easymail.com.au
What would you like to see here?: More TIGGER stuff
Could you use anything?: Yes
How many kids do you have?: Two plus a husband so I guess that makes THREE :)

I really loved your site and I haven't seen everything here yet. I'd really like to use a couple of your TIGGER pics and I'll gladly put a link from my site to yours. Thanks heaps.

Brandy - 03/07/00 04:17:22
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/brandiescastle
My Email:brandynicole16@hotmail.com
What would you like to see here?: Rugrats
Could you use anything?: sure
How many kids do you have?: none and I plan on keeping it that way! :o) (I'm 15)

Ur site is sooooo cute! I'd like it if you'd let me add you as a link on my site! I'm gunna go ahead and do it an just email me if you don't want me too. ~*~Pssst! Hey evrybodi! Visit my site! Pls!~*~

Bonnie Moore - 02/23/00 22:15:58
My Email:mooremt@bouldernews.infi.net
What would you like to see here?: Pooh Characters


Lorenna - 02/14/00 23:49:54
My Email:cutielori3@netzero.net
What would you like to see here?: angels
Could you use anything?: probably
How many kids do you have?: none


C.J. Williams - 01/27/00 05:38:28
My Email:cjcat425@ivillage.com
What would you like to see here?: More Tigger
Could you use anything?: Not sure

I'm still looking, but wanted to sign the guestbook before I forgot! Great Site!! Thanks!

courtney - 01/18/00 19:30:39
My Email:fransschwegler@hotmail.com
What would you like to see here?: teddys
Could you use anything?: yes

It is nice to be here

Cindy Shipley - 01/15/00 23:40:29
My Email:rshipley@cyberhighway.net
Could you use anything?: most definately

Your site was GREAT!!! My 2 year old Pooh and Tigger fanatic loved seeing all the new pictures and dancing to your music!

heidi - 01/09/00 03:53:28
My Email:hbm09
What would you like to see here?: wenny the pooh


debbi - 01/03/00 02:52:54
My URL:http://members.aol.com/spek2mekate/steppingstones.html
My Email:spek2mekate@aol.com
What would you like to see here?: birthday graphics
How many kids do you have?: a wholle lot

I loved your graphics I was looking for blues clues birthday graphics to set up a birthday page at my site, for the kids to celebrate their birhtdays with steve and blues clues......... hope you have time to check it all out.. kaitee is my little girl. de bi

- 12/15/99 22:51:14

I Love Blue's Clues even though I am 14 years old I still LOVE Blue's Clues. I think Steve is cute. from Dalila Campos

Holly - 11/25/99 03:04:58
My Email:I Am A QT Chick@aol.com
What would you like to see here?: I would like to see some free blue's clues things
Could you use anything?: I have been wanting for about 2 years now I singing and barcking blues clues dog

i LOVE bLUES CLUES Eveyone that dont like him should get slapped!!

Debbi - 11/09/99 02:25:33
My URL:http://members.aol.com/spek2mekate/hearuspage1.html
My Email:spek2mekate@aol.com
Could you use anything?: I am looking to make a birthday page for my site, to honor the child with a special page and music just for them.
How many kids do you have?: a whole lotta kids come see my page lol

Hi I been looking over your page, I am in the process of building my first page, and I am looking for graphics to use on a special page where a child's birthday can be honored. I have a couple pages and a few hitches to complete then my page will do... my page deals with children and developemental delays, also a couple of angels have places on my page...... this is great here. debbi we all love oooos cuuuesss..lol

pasha - 10/27/99 22:46:25
My URL:http://blinksoft.com/~pasha
My Email:pasha@blinksoft.com
What would you like to see here?: nothing elce
Could you use anything?: HELP
How many kids do you have?: none

i need your help barb PLEASE email me (by the way i hope you forgived me for getting tempered with you)

Marianne - 10/21/99 16:58:02
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ia/marianne/

It's a great page. I'm going to use some of your backgrounds on my page, and of cours I'm going to link your page!

Vicki - 10/04/99 23:52:47
My URL:http:// None
My Email:moonbeam@fn.net
What would you like to see here?: Stationery
Could you use anything?: yes

I use these backgrounds for personal stationery. I don't have a web page. I think you're doing a wonderful job. This site is very well organized and has pretty graphics.

Lady Angel - 09/29/99 17:01:56
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/biz3/AngelsCrying/index.html
My Email:Kittendelight@talkcity.com
Could you use anything?: mmmm thinking at the moment
How many kids do you have?: 2 and watch more than that

Your site is great beautiful graphics. Thank you.

Maria-Celene Hardy - 09/11/99 14:50:35
My Email:dhardy@iol.ie
Could you use anything?: Yes
How many kids do you have?: Two

I'm just about to try designing a web page (try being the operative word!!), so anything you can give me I would appreciate. I'm hoping to design 2 pages, one for my 3 yr old boy and one for my baby girl. I will of course provide a link to your site as oon as I discover how to!!

Angel - 09/09/99 18:25:26
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/biz3/AngelsCrying/index.html
My Email:Kittendelight@talkcity.com
What would you like to see here?: more graphics
Could you use anything?: mmmm just looking at the moment

You have a gorgeous site here. Thank you for making it for all of us to see. *smile*

Donate Free Food - 08/25/99 22:19:05
My URL:http://www.thehungersite.com/index.html


Donate Free Food

 Click for a note from
the United Nations
World Food Program

Animated gifs, backgrounds and more... - 08/20/99 22:08:23
My URL:/SoHo/Cafe/4690
My Email:anime@aol.com

Good work, congratulations....

Ocasiões - Telemensagens - 08/20/99 01:43:07
My URL:http://ocasioes.webjump.com
My Email:pneves@geocities.com


Brazilian ring - 08/12/99 15:01:53
My URL:/TheTropics/Paradise/4079/
My Email:brazilring@geocities.com


Brazilian's Ring

Bobbie Salazar - 07/25/99 20:37:31
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/hi2/poohfans
My Email:jsalazar@vvm.com
How many kids do you have?: none

You have a great site! You did a good job on everything.

Sherrie Simons - 07/04/99 03:12:11
My Email:Sherriebaby65@yahoo.com
What would you like to see here?: More baby Simba
Could you use anything?: The URL for Simba/Nala to add to my email page
How many kids do you have?: 2 4-legged Simba and Nala

I love the Lion King. My dog, reminds me of baby Simba. He got his name when he was learning how to bark. Sounded like Simba learning to roar.

david - 07/03/99 12:46:36
What would you like to see here?: GRAFICOS DE BEBE


Joshua F Price - 06/03/99 22:54:06
My URL:http://members,xoom.com/big001
My Email:redrebecca@yahoo.com
What would you like to see here?: You don't need nothing more.
Could you use anything?: yes
How many kids do you have?: no kids.

On your wed page don't need nothing more,because it's just right. Well, you can put a dayly payer on your web page for the kids for the day. P.s thank you for signing my geustbook. Your fan Bigkid.

Joshua F Price - 06/03/99 22:53:22
My URL:http://members,xoom.com/big001
My Email:redrebecca@yahoo.com
What would you like to see here?: You don't need nothing more.
Could you use anything?: yes
How many kids do you have?: no kids.

On your wed page don't need nothing more,because it's just right. P.s thank you for signing my geustbook. Your fan Bigkid.

Angel - 04/19/99 15:06:39
My URL:/CollegePark/Residence/1909/index.html
My Email:mypatti@yahoo.com
What would you like to see here?: Your smiling face *giggle*
Could you use anything?: Of course!
How many kids do you have?: hummmmmmm?????

Hi Sweet Pea...I have listed this site on my geoguide at the top of my index page so others can take a tour of some of my favorite places. Hugs....

Coralie Smith - 04/15/99 06:52:05
My Email:coralie@titchfieldsmiths.demon.co.uk
What would you like to see here?: pictures
Could you use anything?: yes


Fadiah - 04/14/99 20:34:11
My Email:Dextiva@hotmail.com
What would you like to see here?: How to make my own homepage??

I would like to know how I can make my own homepage? And I would like to be your pen pal!!

Kenny - 03/16/99 15:31:20
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Cottage/9074/
My Email:Kwilli4@aol.com
How many kids do you have?: I have a puppy, does that count

I really enjoyed your site.

Lisa - 03/15/99 04:37:11

I loved the work on Dakota's name ! Thanks for work on it . Dakota's Mom :)

Jacinta - 03/12/99 01:56:49
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/3096
My Email:---
What would you like to see here?: it's perfect!
Could you use anything?: the blues clues
How many kids do you have?: none :|

hi! I really like your kid gifs. i've used the blue's clues background on my younger brother's page.

pasha - 02/27/99 17:05:17
My URL:http://blinksoft.com/~pasha
What would you like to see here?: nothing
Could you use anything?: nope
How many kids do you have?: none

barb barb, please talk to me i said i was sorry and i said thank you and you still probibily think i haveno manners, but your going WAY into the past her so PLEASE respond to me i just want you to TALK to me instead of just sitting thier going LALALALALALALA i cant hear you LALALALALALALALALA i cant hear you PLEASE TALK TO ME! TALK TO ME! TALK TALK TALK TO ME!

Grandma Carol - 02/05/99 12:48:20
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Cottage/7215
My Email:greenswan@sprynet.com
How many kids do you have?: 4 kids - 5 grandkids

This is a wonderful site. You are a welcomed addition to our neighborhood. So glad you chose the Enchanted Forest as your home. I would like to see you join the Community Leader Program. The children of the forest need help and we are always looking f r those who display the ability to design good web pages and are dedicated to children. *Huggles* from Grandma Carol - Enchanted Forest Community Leader

Jenny - 01/23/99 19:16:00
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Cottage/5358/
My Email:jacafask@geocities.com
Could you use anything?: Maybee
How many kids do you have?: I'm only 13!!!

Hi! Pretty nice page here. Oh, and we would like to win your "Poohriffic" award. Hope you like our page=)

MysteriousGurl - 01/22/99 21:48:22
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Creek/1642
My Email:mysteriousgurl@geocities.com
What would you like to see here?: more sets and bgrounds!
Could you use anything?: sure!
How many kids do you have?: none!

great page! thnx for visiting mine! i also love to create sets and graphics and play around with psp5!!! hope to stay in touch!!

Patti - 01/22/99 21:23:41
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Square/9313/
My Email:ibcnu@freewwweb.com
What would you like to see here?: More of the same
Could you use anything?: maybe
How many kids do you have?: 3, well 4 counting hubby

Barb! Barb! Barb! Just when I get to thinking you can't get any better, you haul off and pull something like this! Just the sweetest thing I've seen in a long time. And I love the midi too. It's all so sweet and it ties right together. Keep up with what y u're doing, it becomes you...Hugs, patti

pasha YOUR POOHIRIFIC WINNER! - 01/19/99 23:51:17
My URL:http://blinksoft.com/~pasha/
My Email:pasha@blinksoft.com
What would you like to see here?: i want to see my award!!!!!
Could you use anything?: no
How many kids do you have?: none

thanx for making me your winner it made me SO happy! My mom is going to try to put something on my page that says that i won here that is why i want to see the award

Rhonda - 01/17/99 00:33:40
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~rhonda3
My Email:rhonda_cl@yahoo.com

Hey barb, great page, keep up the wonderful work.

My Home Page | Visit EnchantedForest/Creek | Explore GeoCities | Get your own free homepage