Mother's Day and Father's day calls for a different focus than most holidays. What is important is that the holiday be special to the parent who is being honored. Do something that will mean alot to your parent. Have FUN showing your love and appreciation! Here are some ideas:
*Before Mother's Day have all the children write about their favorite memories. Assemble these memories into a scrapbook.
*Make a list of the qualities of your mother for which you are thankful. Tell or write about these qualities to your mom.
*At dinner or lunch offer a special prayer of thanks for your mother.
*Give your Mom a special outing together. Do something that you like to do together. And if you have dinner at Mom's cook something special for her, and don't forget to wash the dishes!
Mother's Day Gifts And Art
Potpourri Sachet...
Cut a 8''x11'' piece of lace. Have each child lay the lace right
side down on a flat surface and place a handful of potpourri in the center.
Bring the four corners up to the top and gather the lace around the top.
Secure the sachet with a rubberband. Cut and tie a piece of colored
ribbon and attach the following poem:
This pretty bag of potpourri
Was made for you by little me.
In it there are leaves and flowers
That will smell sweet for many hours.
I helped cut the ribbon and lace,
And tied a bow in a special place.
So keep it somewhere it can stay
To remind you of this Mother's Day!
Handprint Flower...
Mount a piece of white paper on top of a larger piece of colored
construction paper. Paint the child's palm of hand any color he wants.
Have him press down onto about the center or a little above. Next
paint the child's fingers using another color of choice and have him press
down above the palm print.(A perfect hand print now.) When the paint is
dry the child may add a cut out heart for the center of the flower.
Leaves and stem using construction paper. Here is the poem to provide:
A piece of me
I give to you.
I painted this flower
To say "I love you."
The heart is you.
The hand is me.
To show we are friends-
The best there can be.
I hope you will save it
And look back someday
At the flower we shared
On your special day.
-Kathleen Lademan
Molded Baskets...
Give each child an 8x8 inch sheet of prepasted wallpaper. Help
the children dip their pieces of wallpaper into a pan of warm water and
then mold each one over the top of a can. When the wallpaper is dry,
let the children remove them from the cans and turn them upside down.
Have the children add handles to their baskets by gluing the ends of strips
of construction paper to the sides.
Mother's Day Plant...
The next year we bought clay pots and painted the children's
hands with
acrylic paint using one of those foam brushes. Then we had them
hold the pot
with both hands. We helped them carefully lift their hands off
the pot and
immediately wash their hands in a sink of soapy water (that
was the fun
part for the kids!!). They painted around the rim of the pot
with a
contrasting color. We did this for Mothers Day. Using a
gold paint pen we
wrote Happy Mothers Day and the year. We then put a plant in
the pot. The
moms loved these. Again for the infants we did footprints..just
seem easier
and safer since they don't put their feet in their mouths.
Herb Garden...
Kids grow herbs in a six cup muffin pan (part of the gift) or
in milk cartons placed in a shoe box. Moms always like this.
Tuna Can Pin Cushions...
Use clean tuna or cat food cans - throw out the lid. Lemon juice will
help to get the odor out when washing. Use a small amount of quilt batting
or cotton and fill the can so that the cotton forms a mound above the rim
of the can. Then using scraps of fabric cut a circle of fabric about 1"
larger in diameter that the rim of the can. Glue the Fabric to the INSIDE
of the rim at the very top tightly enough to form a
cushion with the cotton underneath. Lastly, decorate the outside of
the can with fabric, ribbons, lace or just about anything you can think
of. You can also paint the outside of the can and glue on decorative buttons
or beads, but make this your first step and let paint dry before making
the cushion.
Bath Salts...
Epsom salts
food coloring
fragrance (ex:scented oils)
Fill a baby food jar, label, and put a pretty covering on the jar lid.
(I use
wrapping paper and ribbon)
Fill a clean baby food jar with mixture and add bow or ribbons.
Potpourii Ornaments...
Sobo glue
Potpourri (color your choice)Potpourri with smaller pieces works best
Metal or plastic cookie cutters ( open kind ) ( hearts, bears, trees
ect. whatever holiday! )
Cooking spray
Wax paper
Mix potpourri in plastic container ( one that washes easy or one that
you can toss like butter or ice cream tub) gets kinda messy.
Mix a 6 oz. bag of potpourri with about 1 1/2 to 2 cups glue. You can
tell if your getting enough glue if it's covering and mixing well. Just
enough glue so that it covers most of the pieces of potpourri. Next spread
some wax paper on table and spray wax paper and inside of cookie
cutter with a little cooking spray. Lay cookie cutter on sprayed wax
paper. Fill cookie cutter with potpourri. Make sure to press down potpourri
so top is flattened even with cookie cutter. Pop out design after it dries
( if you use a fast drying glue you can pop out in about 10 -15 min. and
let dry completely for about 24 hrs. ) Add bows or whatever your heart
desires. We have done hearts and poked a hole in the top and pulled ribbon
through to hang them from.
And bears with a bow around the neck. Sooo cute and smell great too!!
Teddy Bears...
Precut teddy bear from poster board. Have parents save
used tea bags.
Let children open the dried bags and shake the dried tea over
the bear
that has been covered with glue. I used a tub to lay the
bear in first
(said they needed to lie down in their bed) so they excess tea
get all over. When they dry they look like fuzzy bears.
We stapled on
Christmas plaid bows as well. They looked really cute.
Hole Punch Bear...
Precut bear shape from green or red poster board. Make
hole punches all
around and allow the children to sew in and out of the holes
with red or
green ribbon. Glue a pocket on the front of their bear
and add a message
in the pocket. "One big bear hug. Just for you. Merry
Christmas Love
_______". We added a ribbon string for hanging as well.
Also used old
Christmas wrap cut into heart shapes to decorating the pocket
A Special Gift...
Wrap a small jewelry box any one will do really. If your using
it for Mothers Day add floral a floral print wrap, if the gift is for Christmas
wrap in a red or green wrapping paper. Use the following poem and
attach it to the box by hole punching the top left corner and tying it
on with ribbon.
This is a very special gift,
That you can never see.
The reason it's so special,
It's just for you from me.
Whenever you are lonely,
Or ever feeling blue,
You only have to hold this gift
And know I think of you.
You never can unwrap it.
Please leave the ribbon tied.
Just hold the box close to your heart,
It's filled with LOVE inside.
Potpourri Sachet...
Cut a 8''x11'' piece of lace. Have each child lay the lace right
side down on a flat surface and place a handful of potpourri in the center.
Bring the four corners up to the top and gather the lace around the top.
Secure the sachet with a rubberband. Cut and tie a piece of colored
ribbon and attach the following poem:
This pretty bag of potpourri
Was made for you by little me.
In it there are leaves and flowers
That will smell sweet for many hours.
I helped cut the ribbon and lace,
And tied a bow in a special place.
So keep it somewhere it can stay
To remind you of this Mother's Day!
Handprint Flower...
Mount a piece of white paper on top of a larger piece of colored
construction paper. Paint the child's palm of hand any color he wants.
Have him press down onto about the center or a little above. Next
paint the child's fingers using another color of choice and have him press
down above the palm print.(A perfect hand print now.) When the paint is
dry the child may add a cut out heart for the center of the flower.
Leaves and stem using construction paper. Here is the poem to provide:
A piece of me
I give to you.
I painted this flower
To say "I love you."
The heart is you.
The hand is me.
To show we are friends-
The best there can be.
I hope you will save it
And look back someday
At the flower we shared
On your special day.
-Kathleen Lademan
Pretty Posies...
Cut a plastic soda bottle about one inch from the top of the bottom.
Paint with glue in the inside and place tissue paper squares on top.
For the stem and leaves you will need to attach artificial leaves to the
wire using floral tape. Add beads or fake jewels to the center of the flower
and and magnet to the back of the flower and on both leaves.
Potpourri Hangers...
Cut 2 pieces of lace fabric about 1/2 inch larger than the body of
the hanger, using a hot glue gun (teacher must do) glue one piece of the
lace fabric to one side of the body of the hanger. Turn the hanger
so the hanger is laying on the lace fabric you just glued on. Now sprinkle
potpourri inside the area of the hanger.
Glue the other piece of lace fabric on the hanger, sealing the potpourri
inside the hanger between the two pieces of lace. After the glue dries
trim the lace fabric close to the diameter of the hanger. Glue the
lace trim around the diameter of the body of the hanger. Tie a piece of
ribbon in a bow around the neck of the hanger.
Flower Pot Turtles...
1 small flowerpot (very small)
acrylic paint
sponge for painting
black marker
tacky glue
Turn flowerpot upside down and sponge paint. Any color looks cute. Let dry. Cut head shape out of green sponges, plus 4 legs and a tail. With marker, draw eyes on head. Glue head, legs and tail to flowerpot. The head, legs, and tail are glued to the edges of the pot opening.
Pretty Posies...
Attach a scrubber to the front of the folded card with a paper fastener.
Either have the children draw a stem and leaves on the flower or add construction
paper ones. And write this little poem inside:
To Make a Mother's Day gift fantastic
I made for you a flower of plastic
I give it to Mom with this special wish
May it help you scrub each pot and dish!
Apple Pie...
Place a small tart pie tin upside down on the tan felt. Trace the shape
with you pencil and cut out the pie
crust. Pour potpourri into your pie tin. Fill the pie tin
with pom-pom "apples". Put a bead of glue around the edge of the pie tin
and cover with the pie crust felt. Place a sheet of wax paper on top of
the crust and place a book on top until the glue dries. When your pie is
dry, decorate the top by drawing lines with glue and sprinkle with glitter
if you wish.
Potpourri Wreaths...
I cut out a 5 in. circle from light weight green cardboard and
then cut a circle from the center of it. The children will use glue
brushes to spread tacky glue on the wreath and then press potpourri onto
it. I used old potpourri but it still had some scent to it.
The varied colored plant material look very attractive. We will attach
a lot of ribbon to the back so it can be hung. This is simple but
Ladybug Pin...
Paint half of a walnut shell red for the ladybug's body.
Draw a black line
lengthwise across the shell to show the divide of the ladybug's wings.
some dots from black paper and glue them to the shell. Rub some
glue inside
the shell and stuff it with cotton. Cut a head from black paper
and glue it
to the top end of the shell. Glue on some eyes cut from red paper.
black dots on the red eyes for pupils. Cover the underside of
the ladybug
with black paper cut to fit. Glue a safety pin on the back.
Button Bouquet...
You will need several buttons and an equal number of pipe cleaners.
Take one button. Stick the tip of one pipe cleaner up through one
hole in the button and down through another. Then twist the end of
the pipe cleaner around under the button. Take a piece of colorful
paper or wallpaper and cut out several petals. Put a dab of glue
on the tip of each petal. Stick the petals around the underside of
the button. Make other flowers in the same way - and there's your
Patchwork Flowerpot...
Collect an assortment of colorful scraps of material. Cut
them carefully into different-sized squares and rectangles.
Glue them, one by one, onto the outside of a flowerpot. You might
find that it looks prettier if you overlap the pieces just a bit.
Appleseed Mice Paperweight...
Paint a stone yellow to look like cheese. Glue black thread
"tails" to three apple seeds. Glue the seeds onto the cheese.
Paint on small white eyes.
Hot Dish Holder...
Glue pop or beer bottle caps on a heavy piece of cardboard in
an apple or grape shape. Draw a leaf and a stem on the cardboard.
Cut out around the caps and leaves. Spray with flat paint.
Apple String Holder...
Measure 2 1/2 inches from the bottom of an oatmeal box or other
round box with cover. Cut away the top part of the box and discard.
Put the lid on the box and paint the whole thing red. Poke a hole
in the middle of the side, and push a drinking straw into the hole.
Color the straw brown or
black with a marker to look like a stem. Add green paper leaves.
Place a ball of string inside the box, and put the end of the string through
the straw. Put the lid back on the box. It looks like an apple
with string
coming out of its stem.
Message Bird...
Carefully wash a large, empty frozen orange juice can.
Paint the outside of the can and let it dry. Glue a clamp clothespin
in place for the birds beak. The part of the clothespin that
you squeeze should be even with the top of the can, and the clamp part
should be pointing down. Glue a bottle cap on each side of the beak
for eyes, with the inside of the caps facing outward. Punch two circles
from yellow paper and glue them in the caps for pupils. Put a pencil
and some squares of paper inside the can. Messages can
be written on a square of the paper and clamped in the bird's beak.
Clay FootPrints...
Every year I make an impression of the child's feet and hand
using homemade
clay (the kind you cook on the stove). Then I melt scented candles
and pour into the impressions. When the wax dries I scratch their
name and the year into the flat surface. They love it. One
of my kids has a set of 4 already. The parents love it. This
year's color and scent is
green/eucalyptus. Directions follow:
Cooked Clay Recipe
2c flour
1c salt
2c water
2tbsp cream of tartar
1/4 c oil
food coloring is optional for this project
Put all ingredients into a pot and cook on low, stirring constantly. When mixture thickens, put onto plate and cover with saran wrap and let cool. To make impressions of the kids' feet I put the clay in an empty wipe box and have them step into the box and make an impression of their foot.
Then melt scented candles or paraffin with a piece of crayon for color. Use a lot of caution, because candle wax is very flammable - in fact, use a double boiler to be on the safe side - and pour into the impressions. I do this at night when no one is around. When the wax dries I scratch their name and the year into the flat surface.
Fragrant Soap Balls...
Have children make homemade soap balls to give as a holiday gift
or just as a middle of the year surprise to someone special in their lives.
Use water to moisten Ivory Snow Flakes to the consistency of a very stiff dough. Divide the dough into several bowls. Add a different perfume and food coloring to each bowl for variety.
Have children shape large spoonfuls of the soap into balls. Have them make about three balls each. Place the balls on trays (labeled with their model's name!) to harden for several days.
Have each child wrap their three soap balls in colored cellophane
paper and tie the package with a pretty ribbon.
Candle for Parents Gift...
Take a baby food jar. Tear different colored pieces of tissue.
paper. Cover the jar using a paintbrush with glue diluted slightly with
water and attach the pieces of tissue paper. Throw a few sprinkles of gold
or silver sparkles. Add ribbon around the top and place small votive candle
in jar. Before making
test candle size with baby food jar, as not all jars are the same so
the candle sometimes will not fit.
Dish Handprints...
Here is another idea for handprints, most of us have done something
similar to this, so this is a twist on an old idea:
Materials needed:
Planter coaster (bottom dish under a planter) from a pottery
or terra cotta
Green or red paint
White paint
Ribbon, lace or raffia
Optional-clear varnish, cutouts from material
Hot glue/gun
Have children paint the dish green or red, completely covering
the dish. When dry, let the children use a toothbrush with a small amount
of white paint on it and "fling" it toward the dish to create white speckles
on the dish. When dry, paint the child's hand white and let them
make a handrprint inside the dish. Let dry. You can either
leave the dish as is for a gift, or do one or more of the following:
*Place cutouts of hearts or something around the hand and put
a clear
varnish over them so they stick to the dish.
*Varnish over the handprint for a better seal, and to add a
little shine.
*Make a raffia or fabric bow to glue on the top for decoration
Cinnamon Ornaments...
What you will need:
2 cups powdered cinnamon
1 to 1/2 cups smooth apple sauce
plastic drinking straw
tiny dried flowers
narrow ribbons
Hot glue or duco cement
Mix the cinnamon with 1 cup of applesauce. The mixture
will be dry and crumbly. Knead in more applesauce, a little at a
time, until the mixture turns into a very firm sort of "clay". It
should not be sticky.
Dust your cookie mold with cinnamon, and press in an egg-shaped piece of your cinnamon "clay". You will have to press firmly and level the back well. You may want to use a small, sharp knife to trim off extra "clay". If the mixture starts sticking to your hands, dust them with cinnamon.
Hold the filled cookie mold perpendicular to a wooden board. (I use a plastic cutting board or a piece of scrap wood from a lumber yard so as not to put dents into my good cutting board) and rap it quite hard several times, just as you would if you were making cookies. The edge of the cinnamon pomander should start to come away from the mold. Carefully peel the pomander out of the mold and place it on a baking sheet. Using the plastic drinking straw, cut out a neat hole at the top of the pomander.
Bake your pomanders for about 2 hours in a 150 degree oven. After the first hour, remove them from the baking sheet and lay them directly on the oven racks. This will help the pomanders dry out evenly. Remove the pomanders from the oven to a cooling rack when they feel dry and hard.
If the scent of your cinnamon pomander starts to fade after some time, you can refresh it by rubbing the back with a piece of sandpaper or an emery board.
This recipe makes 8 or 9 pomanders, depending on the size of the cookie mold you are using.
Three Kisses For Mother...
Before hand, you or your children will prepare a little package with
3 wrapped
kisses. You could use circles of tissue paper and ribbons.
With these packages on their hands, children will sing:
Three Kisses for Mother
(The More We Get Together)
Three ki-isses for mother, for mother, for mother
Three ki-isses for mother on her special day.
On her special day, on her special day,
Three ki-isses for mother on her special day!
Card Or Book For Mom...
Use this along with a gift you've made as part of a card or make a
You sew the buttons on my clothes (glue button on this
You gave me a hankie for my nose (kleenex on
this one)
You make good things for me to eat (picture from
You buy me candy for a treat
(glue piece of candy on)
You wash my clothes and mend my socks(picture from mag and a cut our
Dear Mother, I love you lots and lots!!(big heart - can put childs
picture in it)
Mother's Day Kisses...
You will need 2 wrapped candy kisses, 1 plastic spoon, a 4x4
piece of
netting, and ribbon.Place the two kisses back to back in the
bowl of the spoon. Cover with the netting and tie with small ribbon.
To the ribbon's bow attach the following poem:
"Happy Mother's Day!
A spoonful of love
And a couple of wishes,
That you enjoy your
Mother's Day kisses!"
My Special Friend...
I have a very special friend
And Mommy is her name-o.
M-O-M-M-Y, M-O-M-M-Y, M-O-M-M-Y,
And Mommy is her name-o
I Love Mother...
(Frere Jacques)
I love mother, I love mother.
Yes I do, yes, I do.
All I want to say is
Happy Mother's Day!
I love you, I love you!
Mothers Day...
(This Old Man)
This is Mom;
She works, too.
Doing many family chores,
She's a kind, pind, rindeky, rind,
Loving kind of pal,
Finding time for me, this gal.
On Mother's Day...
(Oh Christmas Tree)
On Mother's Day,
On Mother's Day;
Oh, how I love you, Mom.
On Mother's Day,
On Mother's Day;
Oh, how I love you, Mom.
You give me joy and happiness.
I give you love-a hug and kiss.
On Mother's Day,
On Mother's Day;
Oh, how I love you, Mom.
Sometimes Mom Says...
(Twinkle, Twinkle)
Sometimes Mom says "don't do this"
Sometimes Mom says "don't do that"
Still she loves me that I know.
Why? Because she tells me so.
Sometimes Mom says let's do this.
Sometimes Mom says "kiss, kiss, kiss!"
I have my children sing it through one time without actions.
The second time they shake their finger and freeze while one student
imitates their Mom giving them the "what for". Then on the second
another one shakes their finger and says something. On the why
lift their shoulders with their hands out and wait three seconds and
then say "because she tells me so". It is very cute.
Books for Mother's Day
Are You My Mother?
P.D. Eastman
I love My Mother
Paul Zindel
On Mother's Lap
Ann Scott
I'll Love You Forever
Robert Munsch
This page was in the May Issue of:
Click here for the history of Mother's Day.