The Easter Bunny
The Easter Bunny is not a modern invention. The symbol originated with the pagan festival of Eastre. The goddess, Eastre, was worshipped by the Anglo-Saxons through her earthly symbol, the rabbit.
The Germans brought the symbol of the Easter rabbit to America. It was widely ignored by other Christians until shortly after the Civil War. In fact, Easter itself was not widely celebrated in America until after that time.
The Easter Egg
The Egg is a symbol of Jesus' resurrection, of new life breaking through the hard shell of the tomb (death). Inside is a secret life ~ a new creation which any person can receive through faith in Christ and the power of His resurrection.
As with the Easter Bunny and the holiday itself, the Easter Egg predates the Christian holiday of Easter. The exchange of eggs in the springtime is a custom that was centuries old when Easter was first celebrated by Christians.
From the earliest times, the egg was a symbol of rebirth in most cultures. Eggs were often wrapped in gold leaf or, if you were a peasant, colored brightly by boiling them with the leaves or petals of certain flowers.
One type of Easter egg is cascarones (cas-cah-RONE-ace), which is Spanish for eggshells. Cascarones are eggshells you fill with confetti and then break over someone's head for good luck.
To make cascarones you will need: eggs, colored construction paper, Easter egg dyes, tissue paper, a paper punch, glue, and a funnel.
Carefully break a hole, about 3/4 inches in diameter, in the top of the egg. Pour out the egg and use it for scrambledd eggs or french toast.
Rinse out the eggshell and let it dry. Color the eggs with dye, being careful not to break the egg. You can decorate the egg with felt-tip pens.
Make confetti by using the paper punch to cut little circles out of the construction paper. Use the funnel to fill the eggs with confetti. Put a glue line around the shell opening, and glue tissue paper over it. Let dry.
Now your cascarones can be used to wish good luck - smash!
The Butterfly
A butterfly is another symbol of new life. The butterfly had been in a cacoon like Jesus was in a tomb, after His death. Jesus rose from death into a new resurrected life, much like the new beautiful butterful burst forth from a cacoon
Easter is a time when many children are on holiday from school. If you need some ideas for games and activities on an Easter theme Sweet Azalea is here to help you with an ideal Easter children's party
Wobbling Bunnies
A game which younger children will enjoy. Players must pretend to be bunnies by hopping around in a crouching position. When you shout "Hunter's Coming!" everyone must stop and keep completely still without wobbling. After a few seconds shout "Hunter's Gone!" and they can continue hopping around again. After a few practice rounds, any player that wobles must drop out until only the winner is left.
Egg Painting
You will need several hard-boiled eggs, poster paints, glue and festive materials such as ribbon, braid or lace. Give each child an egg and ask them to decorate it. If the children are older, you can add an element of excitement by giving them a time limit in which to finish (say 10 minutes)>
Egg & Spoon Races
Eggs, spoons and an area to run are all you need for this game.
Variations could include relays and obstacle courses. To even
the odds for some of our less coordinated students, sometimes
a discreet piece of bluetac is placed under the egg to make it
stick to the spoon a bit easier. Cheating? Probably.
Easter Bonnets
In parts of Britain and in the United States, it used to be traditional to wear a new bonnet for Easter. One way of keeping children occupied is to give them an old hat pieces of material and lace, beads, ribbons, feathers, plastic flowers, etc. See who can make the best bonnet, and have a parade around the yard to show off the bonnets.
Tail on the Donkey
The donkey, which Jesus rode on Palm Sunday is the hero of this much loved game. Draw a simple picture of a donkey without a tail, and pin it to a thick cardboard or a blackboard. Cut out tails from cardboard and place a pin through the top. For smaller children use tape. Children are blindfolded and twirled around. They are to try to find the donkey and pin the tail where it belongs. Be sure and mark each tail with the childs initials before they begin. The one who puts the tail in the right place, or the nearest is the winner.
Egg Rolling
This game is reputed to be played at the White House in the USA
every year. Find a hill, pick a coloured egg, and roll them down
the hill. The egg reaching the base of the hill first is the winne
r. Steep hills make great races, but slow climbing.
Egg Bowling
Colour some boiled eggs and leave one white. Roll the white one
into the centre of a room and take turns to see who can roll their
egg closest to the white egg.
Knock 'ems
Similar to the English game of knockems played with conckers (I
believe that is what they are called anyway!), this game is played
with each player choosing an egg and tapping them on a partner's
egg. The first egg to crack loses and the winner goes on to challange
other winners in a knock out competition until there is one egg
Egg Hunt
Every Easter Party should have an Easter Egg Hunt. Brightly colored Hard Boiled Eggs, Chocolate or sugar coated mini eggs can also be hidden around the garden under trees, plants or rocks. Children of all ages love to hunt and find the eggs. We like to hide a special Golden Egg, (you can use Legg's Pantyhose as the egg). The child who find this egg receives a chocolate bunny rabbit.
*Make your own Easter candy. Or make cookies in the shape of eggs and decorate them with colored frosting and candy decorations. Share with your friends, neighbors or Sunday School Class.
*The night before Easter make Easter Story Cookies. See the link to the recipe below More Links.
*Send Easter cards to people who are homebound or living in nursing homes. You can deliver them and sing a few Easter songs.
*Decorate Easter eggs with watercolor markers, or paint them with acrylic paints. Expain to your children that eggs remind us of new life. Jesus brought all of us new life when he died and rose again.
*Make quick and simple Easter baskets"
Recycle plastic mesh berry baskets from the grocery store. Weave ribbon in and out and fill with Easter grass and a small amount of candy.
*Cut a cardboard half-gallon milk carton in half and cover with wrapping paper. Fill with Easter grass and candy.
*Turn an old shoe box into an Easter basket by covering it with paper and filling it with Easter grass and candy.
Give a toy dump truck as a present. Make an Easter next in the back of the truck.
*Start the custom of making an Easter basket in a child's shoe. Children will wake up to find their shoes filled with treats.
*Make an Easter nest in your child's cereal bowl and put it at his or her place on the table at breakfast time.
*Give kites as Easter presents and when you go kite flying tell the story about how Jesus ascended to Heaven 40 days after His resurrection. CLICK HERE for the story.
Ask each family member to learn an Easter poem or hymn or a scripture passage, and recite it during a special time of the day when everyone is gathered together. Read the resurection story from one of the Gospels in the Bible.

Happy Easter, Sweet Azalea
Song & Words to "Here Comes Peter Cottontail"