A New Set Of Poems |
Long Search Ended |
I dream of sweet happiness when I dream of you. |
Hearing your voice brings a smile to my face everytime I speak with you. |
To have you around and in my life brings joy and peace to my heart. |
I've searched far and wide for the one to make me feel whole, even though we have yet to meet face to face in my heart and soul I know you are the one my searching has been for. |
In finding you I am now complete, and to prove my love for you I give the greatest gift a person can give, I give you my heart and my undying word that I will do anything in this world to make you happy and keep you safe, even if it means giving my life for yours. |
My Darling Love |
To hold you in my arms, and press your lips to mine is a feeling I long for to embrace. |
Sitting here tonight I miss you more then ever, although we have yet to meet in person in my heart and soul I know that not being able to hold you in my arms is killing me inside. |
To hold you and gaze my eye's into your's is a feeling i await, for my love for you is undconditional. |
The longer it takes for me to hold you the more insane my heart grows from missing you. |
God how I wish I could embrace you in my arms now, to set my heart and mind at ease resting beside yours. |
I guess to sum this up I love you with all my heart and soul love and soon I will hold you in my arms, but until then i have that to look forward too and that happyness to keep in my mind. |
In what sense is it to loose your mind but yet gain knowladge? |
Do we drive on making ourself's crazy just to understand one another? Or do we act this way to understand ourselve's more? |
Carrieing on every day as if no one around us matters. Do we have that cold of a heart to not care what we do day by day? |
The world rushes around us every minute of every day why do we not take the time to understand ourselve's atleast to understand why we are so cruel to each other. |
We fight over such inhuman things skin color, relegion, and personal beliefs. |
Why is it we do this? do we not all bleed the same color blood? Do we not all feel the same emotions? love, happieness, sorrow, warmth of a close companion or friend? |
What is this goal we set before us in life? to hate everyone and everything, why I ask? |
We where all born into this world the same and we all leave this world the same what makes us so different that we blind ourself's to the reality that we are all equal no matter what we look like or how smart we are. |
Does it really matter who is better then who? |
I don't believe it does, why should it? |
We all try our best to prove ourselve's to everyone else but do we yet take the time to ask ourself why? |
Why try so hard to impress what doesn't need to be impressed? |
Why not just be ourselve's and enjoy life instead of wasting our lifes trying to be who we aren't. |
There's no reason to judge each other when we all know at the end we will all be judged by someone or something of a higher playing field, get in touch with thy self and let your mind be free to enjoy this world for what little time you are on it. |
Understanding |
Every day we wake to a new beginning to a new end to a new day with tou knowing how it will go no matter what plans we make asking ourself's quietly off in the back of our heads will this be the day? Will this be the day to make it rich? will this be the day to ask that special someone out? will this be the day to start over? will this be the day I die? we ask these question without understanding one thing that makes this day be what we want it to be how can we come so far but yet gain so little in life with out understanding that our very own soul's and mind's have the power to create our dreams and make them come true day in day out one second closer to that atomic first kiss riding a bike without training weels one inch closer to ending the day and starting over one minute closer to that longing sleep that waits for us all tell me when it is reached do you finally then understand the day? do you understand and comprehend that what took place that day happened becouse you wished and wanted it to? if so then you have open your mind and learned 12 hours of knowladge to carry with you to the next day to help you understand how to make that day go just as well as this one. |
The Meaning of Life |
As I walk through this valley of life I see all the love and happiness alive in this world tooken for granted in more ways then one. |
I can't begin to tell or express the way life works sometimes we win sometimes we loose, If we all where to take a few hours out of our live's to look back at what we have done and how we have lived I'm sure each thought and mempry we have will bring a smile , a tear, a frown, and glow to our eye's and faces. |
For us all times will and have gotten hard in someway or another and we will find it difficult to stay strong but yet we must try to fight on if not then what are our live's for? |
To discover the meaning of life is to live your to the fullist doing the best you can for that ansewer we all seek we already know, that being the meaning is to live, to make our live's the best we can doing the best we know how. |
So do your best make your life what you dream it to be never say you can't couse you always can and be thankful for what you have and accomplish by then you will see that what is said here has trueth to it but only if you believe inyourself and the power of your heart and mind for no one can control your life only you can. |
Ever wonder how life would be if you could have the greatest wishes you have? I have a dream peacefull it is but a life it is not. I was told recently i had my wish when i made the decision to push someone out of my life little does this person know that wasn't my wish. I doubt i could ever in this life or the next have my greatest wish wich is to have a child with the one i love. No relationship tie just the bond of a child to be able to know both names will carry on to the next generation. Coming to the reasoning that i could never ask this question of her i foolishly pushed her away a decision i regret doing and know i can never go back on. And now for what i decided I've set my punishment and anger where it belongs in my own mind in my own heart. My wish now will never come true and i'm left to dwell in my own insane mind with growing more and more out of control. Recently i've had an experience that has left me at my weekest making now the most when i need help but don't know where to seek it from anymore. The longer i go the more i feel the blade pushing into my vien as my dreams worsen by the day, my nightmares growing more and more not knowing how longer i can push back this insaneness before i comment an ultimate sin. So far i've managed to keep company for now but once half the things are over in my life right now i don't know how long i'll be able to stay strong specially after my closes friend wich is my cousin leaves for another state without a idea to come back. The only other person able to help me keep this streangth I've pushed away so what to do then? What to do when i'm truley alone? |
What does it take to get someone to understand what line do you have to cross to make then realize what your going through? For years i've tryed to get people to understand what goes through my mind but they all say it's my imagination but how can my whole life be just an imagination? Some people understand most don't so here's wjhat i have to say if you have those so called friends or one that say they love you who say your problems are in your head then they truely don't care nor want to so blow em off they'll never get it nor want to begin to understand life isn't an imagination as they would say it is might be to them but thats them for them to understand what you have gone through or are going through is to much for them to comprehend specially if your dealing with what i'm dealing with loosin three family memebers in one swoop to other states going through mood swings fro9m quitting drugs ya know the d-tox period. How can someone who hasn't been there nor ever will be there understand or even think of understanding what your going through but the one's who do understand are the true ones to care and the ones who will help you through it all no matter what.. |
A midsummer's night the air is warm with a cool wind moon is full stars are bright sitting on a lake shore snuggled with one another smiles edged one both faces water calm a place of peace and quiet with no one else around sharing the moment talking bout things that have passed and planning things to come a midsummers night a time of romance and peace sharing it with the one you love |
Eye's of Blue |
Eye's as crystal blue as the sun sparkling across a blue lake on a mid summers day, a presence of joy gleaming from her heart, her hair so soft a shimmering brown that captures your eye from a mile away, and a smile that swept the pain away from my hear moving joy back to my life, skin so soft that feels like a velvet sheet wrapped around me when i'm in her arms, my soul has brightened once again being lifted from the depth of sorry to shine of happiness with a smile every time i'm with her, to tell her thank you could never be enough instead to show her my love and dedication from this life to the next i hope will do, i close my eye's and all i see is her smile with her sweet bright loveing blue eye's. |
By |
Shaun |
Goodin |
11/21/00 |
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