05/27/00 05:06:16
| Comments: hmmm what can i say that i haven't already said...or that you don't already know. if only you saw yourself as others (myself included) see you...you are a very special and gifted person...if only you could see that. in your 22 yrs of life...your poems and yourself have touched many people's hearts and lives in a way that only you could do. this may not seem like much to you or you just don't realize how much you mean to so many people (again, myself included). you hold a special place in many hearts...and continue to do so with each day that passes. thank you so much for sharing yourself and poems...it really means alot...and makes a difference in other's lives...more than you probably will ever know. if only there was someone who could touch your heart in the way you've touched other's hearts........... |
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| Comments: I read your poems and hon i do have to say they are Really good ones.. You should write more ya know??? (*smiles*) Thank you for sharing them with me.. |
| Comments: You have a great site here.... keep up the good work!!! :) |
| Comments: Hey Sweetie, I love Your Page i am soooo sorry i didnt read your poems before you mean more to me then you will ever know i am always here foru keep up the good work sweetie and always remember I BELEIVE IN YOU Love You sweetie good luck with ALL you do Kelly |
| Comments: nice to meet you Casey *S* nice page great words from such a young man you must have an old soul |
| Comments: Great page Wolfie! I've enjoyed getting to know you in the Castle! Keep up the good work! MWA |
| Comments: Cool page... love your poems much better than mine. Luvs Ya....Beck |
| Comments: HI BABY!!!!! I linked our websites I will never get enough of your beautiful poetry I really love it talk to you later sweetie LUVS YA CUZ!!!! |
Good work, congratulations....
| Comments: Hiya wolfman.....so nice to of met ya online and raz the daylights out of you.....wouldnt be me if I didnt. Good luck in all you do and want to accomplish...Stay fun...luv ya..Jessi |
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| Comments: I love your pages Case, thanks for letting me see it. You have got a beautiful heart on you and a wonderful way with words. Keep up the great job your doing. Talk to you later darlin, take care. ~Red~ |
| Comments: Your site is a bit on the blue side. |
| Comments: Blue I loved the page and enjoyed reading your poems...I hope to see more soon...Candy |
| Comments: BlueWolf, Your page is allsome..And the poems are nice...I liked all of them..Its nice chatting with ya in The Castle and listening to your stream...Cant wait untill I meet ya in person.. You be good and take care.. HUGS.. Lilly |
| Comments: hello |
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