Hi! Welcome to my homepage!


As I lay within this den of mine I gaze to the moon in seek of guidance..
For my soul has lost its way and having strayed from the pack..
I have wandered for many moons to seek the knowledge which I have gained..
Now within the moon I seek the last thing I wish to learn..
For I am a follower of my heart..
I do as I feel right, nothing more, nothing less..

My interests are...
Free hand Climbing ..cruisin ...
Being with my Friends ....
And writing ...
Talking to all of ya'll online that have become my internet friends..
E-mail me at caseywolf78@icqmail.com or contact me on icq the number is --->29013522.....or somethin new drop me a msg on yahoo messanger my nik is skybluewolf.geo in the meantime.
Please come back soon and visit me.

If your wondering about this search box below it is a crack search engine if ya like me and cant afford to register a program find the crack for it :-)

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Edited 3-1-04 By. Skycladwitch