Can you help me find my GGranddaddy?
James Cox
My name is Sue and I am looking for my ggrandparents.Can you help me?
The picture is me and of course I am not that young now. I am looking for my ggrandfather Jim/James Cox. He is a great mystery to me and I am totally stumped now. He was in Menard Texas at least as far back as 1881 when he married Mehaley McCarty in Menard. He owned land in Menard but I don't know what year or years. He did live in Sonora in 1895, that is when and where my Grandmother was born. Jim Cox is a mystery to me because he allegedly killed a man somewhere and changed his name from Howery to Cox. I don't know when this may have happened nor where it may have happened. If you read this and you have any information about Jim Cox please email me at
We have some family that I want to know, and hopefully they want to know me and my family. I have a ggrandmother that I know nothing about, Mehaley Ann McCarty Cox. She also is a mystery to me. She had a sister named Susan McCarty McDonald. Susan lived in Junction Texas when she died. I would like to know where Jim Cox came from, what happened to make him change his name, what kind of person he was, and if possible to see a picture of him. What kind of person was Mehaley Cox? These are questions that I have to count on someone else to answer if at all possible, at least to help me establish my roots with the Howery family and the McCarty family. If you have any info please email me.
I thank you very very much.