The EnchantedForest Creek Webring

Do you have a homepage in the EnchantedForest/Creek suburb?
Are you a community leader in the EnchantedForest/Creek suburb?

Then this is the ring you want to be in - come on and join!!


Rules for Joining

1. Your page must be in the Creek suburb of the Enchanted Forest or you must be a community leader in the Creek.

2. Your page must follow all Geocities Guidelines.

3. Your page must follow all EnchantedForest Guidelines.

4. There CAN NOT be any broken links or graphics. There is no adult material (i.e. pornography, swearing, links, etc.) or promotion of illegal activities. This is a family fun webring!!!

5. The site should have good content and be easy to read.

6. The code for the ring will be placed on the page whose URL you submit.

7. The graphic for this ring MUST be saved on your own site's server, and WILL NOT be altered in any way.

8. The html code fragment for this ring WILL NOT be altered in any way.


Please remember that when you submit your site to the Webring, this does not automatically add you to this ring; only to the Queue List. You must then email the ringmaster to be added to the ring. After you have been added to the ring, you should be able to navigate the entire ring until you make it back to your own page. Until you've been added, not all of your links for the ring will work.


*Special Note* If your site has not been moved from the Queue List to the actual Webring within 14 DAYS after the date on which you applied, it will automatically be deleted from the Queue List.


You MUST right click on the ring graphic below and save it to your own computer, and upload it to your website's server. If the Webring Manager finds a site that is linking to the graphic on her server here at Geocities, it will cause that site to be immediately removed from the ring.

The Webring Manager retains FULL AUTHORITY regarding this Webring. Sites that no longer comply with the rules will be removed.


What to do next?

After you have added your site to the queue (by pressing the SUBMIT button below) you will then be taken to another page with a copy of your ring code upon it. Copy that entire html code fragment, and then paste it into your own page's html code in an appropriate place, and on the page whose URL you submitted. Make sure you save the ring graphic to your computer by right clicking on it! The Webring Manager WILL NOT email the code or the graphic to you.

Come join the fun!
This EF/Creek Webring member site
is owned by
the EnchantedForest/Creek Community Center.
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Submit Site to The EnchantedForest/Creek Webring
Name or Nickname:
Site's Title:
Site's URL:
E-mail Address:

Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Description: Enter a short description of your site.


Visit the rest of the Community Center!

This page was last updated on 19 April 1999 by EF/Creek Webringmaster.

Copyright © 1999 EnchantedForest/Creek Community Center
All Rights Reserved
Graphics created by Sandi (wrenmyst)
