In this issue

Edition 6 - November 1999

Y!Geo events
EF events
Creek events


Hi! This is the seventh edition of the Up the Creek Newsletter - hope you enjoy it! I'm Ryan, and I'm the Community Leader for the Creek/3800-3999 blocks. This newsletter can be found here each month to keep you updated with new happenings in Geocities, the Enchanted Forest, and right here in the Creek. 

Headline News

This month's big news:

The Arbor's Open!

As the fairies played in the EnchantedForest, fluttering through the Dell and the Glade, seeing little fish swimming from the Creek to the Pond, flying over the Cottage in the Meadow and swooping by the Fountain outside the Palace's Tower, they crossed over the Mountain, and there it was! The Arbor of the EnchantedForest, with construction busily going on for everyone!


Yahoo! GeoCities

Have you -

Joined the Creek Webring?

Applied for the Creek award?

Entered the Creek Contest? 

Adopted a Creek Critter?

Warning! Creek may freeze in cold weather!

Holiday Homepages!

Now you can get a Homepage for the Holidays using Yahoo! PageBuilder. There's six great templates to choose from - newsletters, recipes, wish lists, invitations, photos and even think up your own! All you have to do is have a computer that can run PageBuilder. For more information, click here!



This month's Focus Sites are

Matt's Website
1st Paull GuidesWebsite

If you want to be a focus site, why not apply for the Creek Classic Award!

The Forest Is Not Enough!

Bames Jond, Agent 0007, is back in the Forest, and he's trying to figure out who stole the EnchantedForest Thanksgiving Floats! Enter the Mystery today!

The New Community Center!

"Guess what?" "What?" "The Main Community Center's been redesigned!" "Oh, so that's what all that hammering was about!" "You wanna see it?" "Sure!" "All you have to do is click here!" "Oh, cool! I can't wait!"



The "Up The Creek Newsletter" is part of the Creek Community Center. It is written by CL Ryan.


Enter the Creek Contest

The Creek Contest's still enjoying Thanksgiving - it'll be back soon!


Visit the rest of the Community Center!

Copyright © 1999 EnchantedForest/Creek Community Center
All Rights Reserved