You are about to embark on a My Little Pony adventure known as Rainbow Palace.  This site contains MLP information and takes you on a guided tour through Rainbow Palace.  While you explore Rainbow Palace, please keep in mind not to steal/copy any of the writing you find here.  Yes, I wrote it all myself therefore it is mine.  Do not steal or copy any of the images here either, some of them I will let you have, but please ask me first. This is a fairly new site so please help me out with any suggestions you may have by either emailing me.
Now, a brief warning.  This site is created for older Pony Lovers, the ones who remember when the MLP's first came out and how much we loved toting them around with us to McDonald's and to the grocery store.  So therefore, some of the material found here may not be suitable for younger humanoids, but it's nothing really major, just a little "adult" (i guess?) humour here and there.  Feel free to visit the new's section to see why this change on the page has occured.  Now, with that out of the way, on ward to Rainbow Palace!!
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