Hey! Everyone needs some help and that's why the Cove Community Leaders are here, to help you with your web page.
There are a lot of ways the Community Leaders can help you, just take a look:
Helping Hands programme
From start to finish with the EnchantedForests helping hands programme there is always a Community Leader available to help you with your website, one on one. back to top
EnchantedForest University
If you thought school was fun just wait untill you get to the EnchantedForests university where you can learn all sorts of HTML tips and tricks. Back to top
EnchantedForest Art School
If you have ever wanted to make your own graphics but didn't know how visit the EnchantedForest Art School. You'll be making your own graphics in no time.Back to top
The Cove Help Pages
The Cove Community Leaders have been busy making a series of help pages. These are designed to get you building your web pages FAST. There is information about HTML Pages, HTML Tags, as well as Links, Images, and Text