Welcome to The Dunlop's Guestbook!

Melissa - 10/31/00 17:17:00
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/wi/anthonymichael
My Email:squirtsmama@ivillage.com
Favorite cartoon: Scooby-Doo
Favortie boy's and girl's name: Anthony and Sidney

I love your site!!!!! Your kids are beautiful. :) I just love visiting all of these neat sites. Thank you for sharing their pictures with me. Melissa

Zachery - 10/10/00 14:57:06
My URL:http://zacherysdisneyland.homestead.com/Zachery.html
My Email:amyandzachery@knology.net
Favorite cartoon: Pokemon


Roanna - 09/26/00 04:09:57
My URL:http://www.nettoilet.com/users/unfettered
My Email:ehkuhall7@malaspina.com
Favorite cartoon: Wiley Coyote
Favortie boy's and girl's name: Moses and Ursa

friends united cabbage jpg

To all the Dunlops,

This page seems like quite an offering. The kiddie songs made me smile. I'm glad to be a fellow Friends United member like you.


Stephanie - 09/04/00 19:14:22
My Email:austinhaylee@yahoo.com
Favorite cartoon: Aladdin
Favortie boy's and girl's name: Austin& Haylee


- 09/04/00 18:35:46


Zachery - 08/23/00 04:14:55
My URL:http://zacherysdisneyland.homestead.com/Zachery.html
My Email:amyandzachery@knology.net
Favorite cartoon: Scooby Doo

Dropped in to meet you and look around your site.
Maybe if you have time you will stop by and meet me!

Please visit my site!
Zachery's Disneyland
Want to exchange banners or charms?

~Your Friend, Zachery~

Aimee - 08/13/00 02:29:22
My URL:http://www.mageware.com/aimee
My Email:aj@mageware.com
Favorite cartoon: Little Bear
Favortie boy's and girl's name: Trinity & Tristan

Your children are beautiful! You must be so proud. Your site was so well done, I really enjoyed looking thru it!

Patti - 07/30/00 04:39:04
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/pcrs46/index.html
My Email:pchristma@interpath.com
Favortie boy's and girl's name: Zachey & Dillon

Great web site I love your graphics. Almost wish Zack or Dillon had a 97 birthdate so we could join the club. Please visit Dillon's page andapply for his Choice site Award. Also please visit Spider's web my other grandson's web site at http://www.geocities.com/Nashville/1058/index.html

Julie - 07/28/00 21:07:40
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/thecoopes/
Favorite cartoon: Rugrats
Favortie boy's and girl's name: Alexa and Matthew

Your site is beautiful.I can see you put in alot of work. Thanks for signing our guestbook! I'll back to visit!

Tanya & Bailie - 07/27/00 21:54:35
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/ankenbrucks
My Email:tra@eepb.com

I just checked out your website, your family is precious. Thanks for all your help with the graphics.

Denny Lancaster - 07/25/00 02:05:17
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~denny99
My Email:denny99@dibbs.net
Favorite cartoon: Road Runner
Favortie boy's and girl's name: Madison-Granddaughter

Your Teaching Web Site by Denny Lancaster Your web home is built with care, such wonderful thoughts you share; We can tell from knowledge within, an adventure you may want to begin. In the URL at the end of this rhyme, activities which are worthy of your time; One is community building online, another about Y!G tools which are fine. The third one is for the family to do, even if your children number but a few; So please will you not spend some time, for the URL is our reason for this rhyme. Tree of Knowledge http://www.geocities.com/port_of_topics/knowledge.html

Dixie H - 07/13/00 05:05:31
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/hewettgirls
My Email:bdhewett@nccoast.net
Favorite cartoon: Pooh!
Favortie boy's and girl's name: Nathan/Hannah

I really enjoyed my visit to your site. Your children are just beautiful. I really think you have done a terrific job on your web site, I love it. Thanks so much for visiting me and my girls and signing my guestbook. Come for another visit soon for update . Thanks :)

Alec Jay and Mommy (Jill) - 07/09/00 03:52:41
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/alecjay
My Email:alecjay@hotmail.com
Favorite cartoon: P B & J

GREAT PAGE! We loved it! I'm a member of Babies 97 club. :-) I'll be one on the 20th of July. Jacob his a handsome little guy! Your girls are pretty also! :-) We enjoyed looking at the pictures of everyone and learning all about your family. Come visit me (Alec) when you get a chance. :-)

Lindy, TijnTijn and Piegeltje - 07/02/00 18:09:55
My URL:http://www.piegeltje.com
My Email:info@piegeltje.com

Hi Melody, Ivy and Jacob, We love to meet other children on the web. We are also brothers and sisters, but a little older than you! Lindy is 5 years old, TijnTijn is 3 years old and Piegeltje is 20 months old. We are dutch children, so our mommy was translating everything on your ite. We hope you will visit our site too some time, allthought it is in dutch, so we don't think you woeld understand the written things, we have also very nice pictures (our mommy made them) and various other nice things for kids! Hope ro see you soon! Bye bye for now. Lindy, TijnTijn and Piegeltje.

- 06/30/00 04:04:12


Grand Opening! You are invited to Friends United! Friends, Women, Mothers Come and join us today! Monthly site competitons, starting in July Owned and operated by Amy and Dee. !

- 06/30/00 03:51:30


Grand Opening! You are invited to Friends United! Friends, Women, Mothers Come and join us today! Monthly site competitons, starting in July Owned and operated by Amy and Dee. !

Rachele, Perry, and Sydney - 06/28/00 04:34:55
My URL:http://geocities.com/mop_doll
My Email:rachele_c@hotmail.com
Favorite cartoon: PB&J Otter
Favortie boy's and girl's name: Perry Nolan and Sydney Rachele, of course! :o)

What a beautiful site you have! I absolutely adore your gorgeous kids! Great job on the site, and keep up the good work! :o)

Amy - 06/26/00 03:06:33
My URL:http://amynzachery.homestead.com/home.html
My Email:amyandzachery@knology.net
Favorite cartoon: flintstones
Favortie boy's and girl's name: zachery


Random Acts of Kindness

Elisabeth Birch - 06/24/00 20:45:03
Favorite cartoon: Flintstones
Favortie boy's and girl's name: Girl - Jessica, Sabrina, Rebecca. Boy- not sure

Hi Dee, Wow, it's weird to put Birch for my last name!! Ha ha!! I love your website, you are so good at this stuff. Your kids are so cute - you've done a great job with them!

Mandy - 06/23/00 23:36:55
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/fl2/mandyj99
My Email:Mandy6680@aol.com
Favorite cartoon: Winnie The Pooh
Favortie boy's and girl's name: Boy:Trystan Girl: Hannah

You have a beautiful page and a wonderful family! Keep up the good work!

Amy - 06/19/00 03:28:10
My URL:http://amynzachery.homestead.com/home.html
My Email:amyandzachery@knology.net


Amy - 06/13/00 18:02:01
My URL:http://amynzachery.homestead.com/home.html
My Email:amyandzachery@knology.net
Favorite cartoon: flintstones
Favortie boy's and girl's name: zachery

I love the new look Dee! And what great links you have to! LOL

DDLucky - 05/28/00 11:05:32
My URL:http://www.digitaldelilah.com
My Email:shanicky@btinternet.com
Favortie boy's and girl's name: adam & jennifer


You've been Dusted by a DD!

Karen - 05/23/00 21:25:41
My URL:http://www.homestead.com/mikajo/Main.html
My Email:mikajo@webtv.net
Favorite cartoon: Scooby-Doo
Favortie boy's and girl's name: Joey(My son's name :-)

Hi Dee!What a beautiful site you have. Your chilren are gorgeous.

Zachery - 05/22/00 19:16:43
My URL:http://mysonzachery.homestead.com/home.html
My Email:amy@charter.net
Favorite cartoon: scooby doo


Kim - 05/22/00 18:34:57
My URL:/thevanaukens
My Email:HeartNutCreations@bigfoot.com
Favorite cartoon: scooby doo
Favortie boy's and girl's name: Anthony, Scarlett

You have a beautiful family. I'm so glad that you visited my page and signed my guestbook. It gave me the oppertunity to meet your family! You have done a great job with your site! Keep up the good work!

Lane & Judy - 05/22/00 05:31:15
My URL:/lanestigger
My Email:jj93095@aol.com

Hi, Dee! Love the new look! I'm so happy to be home. Thanks again for the globe, what a surprise that was. Take care!

Lamiss - 05/21/00 05:28:32
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/omaqri/

Congratulations , I really enjoyed visiting your site with my mom , it is wonderful!

DDMama3chick - 05/20/00 01:48:23
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/River/5125
My Email:Mama3chick@aol.com
Favorite cartoon: Smurfs
Favortie boy's and girl's name: Tiffany, Deanna Jo, Dustin

Hello, I am DDMama3chick and I am the ATL for the Parrots Team. I have stopped by to visit you and your lovely family and wish you good luck in the competition.

Amy and Zachery - 05/18/00 22:19:05
My URL:http://amynzachery.homestead.com/home.html
My Email:amy@charter.net
Favorite cartoon: flintstones
Favortie boy's and girl's name: zachery

I like the new look Dee! You have done a great job here!

Guardian Angel Lily - 05/12/00 19:31:47
My URL:http://welcome.to/DivineAngels
My Email:divineangels@yahoo.com
Favorite cartoon: Powerpuff Girls


You are cordially invited to join The Divine Angels in our Grand Opening. The Divine Angels is a new internet group devoted to women. A safe place where members can join together to discuss their problems, stories, and lives. A place to have laughs, meet new friends and make lasting memories. We have several wonderful committees for members to become involved in. And are looking for several staff members to become Committee Leaders. We do hope you will consider joining our group or our webring. Love and Laughs...The Divine Angels

Gail&Bob aka Flowers&Thumper - 05/12/00 12:04:39
My URL:/Yosemite/9714
My Email:bogaseme@ma.ultranet.com
Favorite cartoon: Rocky&Bullwinkle
Favortie boy's and girl's name: Darian(our grandson:),Melanie(ourdaughter:)

It is always a pleasure to visit wonderful places
Love all the babies,they are so cute

Trina - 05/09/00 17:23:55
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/lott4_2000
My Email:lott.12@osu.edu
Favorite cartoon: Fantasia
Favortie boy's and girl's name: Girls: Sarah & Frances of course they are my children; Boys: James and Richard

You have a beautiful family and I am glad that I stopped by to visit your site. Your site is easily navigated and your pages are well organized and laid out. Keep up the great work! Please visit my site and sign our guestbooks (main gb and each daughter h s their own!) to let me know what you think of my site! Thanks, Fellow DD, DD Karealot :-)

Lisa - 05/09/00 16:30:36
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Cabin/3986
My Email:Lisa1@att.net
Favorite cartoon: Scooby Doo
Favortie boy's and girl's name: Melissa, Gary,Amber, Ryan. My kids names!!

Hi, I love your site! Your kids are so cute! Good Luck in the Digital Delilah competition. I just joined yesterday. I voted for your site. Lisa

Tracy Macor - 05/08/00 21:27:17
My URL:/jordynn0114/
My Email:jordynn0114@yahoo.com
Favorite cartoon: Arthur

Heh Dee, like the photo contests links. I'll vote daily. Just a question...did you ever receive my Jordynn award for your page? Tracy!

DD VITA - 05/08/00 19:49:16
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/kimbaarsjunoocom/
My Email:kimbaars@yahoo.com
Favorite cartoon: mmmmmm to many
Favortie boy's and girl's name: anne lee and jason dean

cool page. keep up the good work.

nery - 05/08/00 01:04:35
My URL:http://sites.netscape.net/nerypr
My Email:nerypr@netscape.net
Favorite cartoon: popeye
Favortie boy's and girl's name: javier and micaima

love your site I can tell that you love your children very much.they are beautiful.keep up the great work.nery

Star - 05/05/00 21:15:00
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Village/8347/
My Email:star_1964@hotmail.com
Favorite cartoon: Flintstones
Favortie boy's and girl's name: Jake & Kassandra

Found your site through guestbook surfing. What a beautifully done site! You have a wonderful family. I've enjoyed my stay here. Take good care. :o)

Doris - 05/05/00 15:33:13
My URL:http://www.kiva.net/~cdma
My Email:cdma@kiva.net
Favorite cartoon: Pooh
Favortie boy's and girl's name: Andrew & Megan

Your page is wonderful and your children are adorable.. God bless you always

Pat & Moe - 05/02/00 22:28:53
My URL:http://members.aol.com/moe1pat2/page/index.htm
My Email:moe1pat2@aol.com
Favortie boy's and girl's name: Janet

Hi! We enjoyed the visit and meeting all of you. You have a good looking Page with some great photos. Keep up the good work. Have a great day! Come visit us at Pat & Moe's Place. It was designed to allow our family in SC to stay in touch with my sister, h r six children and their families in New England

sue - 05/02/00 16:01:51
My URL:http://community.webtv.net/sugagirl23/htmlbodybgcolor
My Email:sugagirl23@webtv.net
Favorite cartoon: flintstones
Favortie boy's and girl's name: Jenna and Dylan

You have a beautiful family ..your newest addition jacob is such a sweetie! I enjoyed looking at all the pics and im looking forward to seeing new ones! DDSugagirl :-)

LOUI§E - 04/29/00 17:19:28
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/la2/louise001
My Email:L2PlayICQ@aol.com
Favorite cartoon: Looney Tunes Cartoons
Favortie boy's and girl's name: Elisabeth/Justin

WOW Beautiful Children! Hello My name is Louise What a wonderful site you have I sure did enjoy my visit.....*S* Families are so very precious Children especially.I see how much you value your family so While I am here I would like to invite you to join a wonderful group I joined it is called "INNER DREAMS" It supports wonderful causes it's main focus is keeping our children safe ! It only allows family safe sites.......I am enjoying it very much so please if you have a moment please check it out I know you won't be disappointed I know I wasn't ! *Smile*

iful Children !

Vanessa & Savanna - 04/28/00 20:18:36
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/first_baby_1999

Great Job! I voted for your site! Your kids are so adorable. I love Jacobs cheeks!

Lane & Judy - 04/28/00 10:07:16
My URL:http://www.geocitirs.com/bigskycowboy2000
My Email:jj93095@aol.com

Ok, I already messed up my new URL. LOL this one works. ~Hugs~ Judy

Lane & Judy - 04/28/00 10:04:52
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/bigsycowboy2000
My Email:jj93095@aol.com

Hi, Dee & kid's! I stoped by to vote for everyone in your contests. Dee I did a family site finally, when you have time check it out and let me know what you think. Take care!

Erica Wretlind - 04/27/00 05:37:50
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/oceansky0
My Email:Oceansky0@aol.com
Favorite cartoon: Scooby Doo
Favortie boy's and girl's name: Landon

you have a beautiful site.Great Job!!!!!

Bree's Mommy - 04/25/00 01:35:40
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/murphymoye
My Email:Mommienonnie@aol.com
Favorite cartoon: Blues Clues

Cute family you have here!! Good luck in the photo contests!! You have a very nice site. Keep up the good work! Bree's Mommy

Bree - 04/25/00 01:34:14


Carrie - 04/14/00 17:55:07
My URL:http://geocities.com/jacobsmommydaddy/carrieindex.html?953772366240
My Email:cbabyjacob@earthlink.net
Favortie boy's and girl's name: Jacob Mitchel!

Hi! I linked to your website from Ara's (she linked to mine from somewhere else). I just wanted to tell you what cute children you have. I have a 15 wk old and his name is Jacob too! But he's a lot smaller than your's. He was born premature so he now weighs about 9 pounds! But he's getting bigger all the time. Check out my webpage if you want! God bless you and your family. Carrie

DD Happy Phy - 04/11/00 20:35:25
My URL:/hopeofromance
My Email:hopeofromance@hopeofromance.com
Favorite cartoon: Mighty Mouse
Favortie boy's and girl's name: Sabrina

New Page 2

You Go Girl!!!!!! You have a wonderful site, that is full of heart!!! I wanted to present you with this award, for sites that are full of heart!!!


DD Happy Phy - 04/11/00 20:35:01
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/hopeofromance
My Email:hopeofromance@hopeofromance.com
Favorite cartoon: Mighty Mouse
Favortie boy's and girl's name: Sabrina

New Page 2

You Go Girl!!!!!! You have a wonderful site, that is full of heart!!! I wanted to present you with this award, for sites that are full of heart!!!


Foxy - 04/11/00 12:10:28
My URL:http://www.graphicsbyfoxy.com/homebiz/ffbiz.html
My Email:homebiz@graphicsbyfoxy.com
Favortie boy's and girl's name: Damen, Ryan, Maryssa

Hello There, What a great place you have on the net. I've enjoyed my time browsing around. When you have a few moments to spare stop on by my site. Here you will find a number of freebies , My family site, some tips on advertising your site, a few great deals and I'll even show you how I make Permanent Residual Income working part time out of my home...**A deal you wont want to pass by** (No,this is NOT those pay bars.)There are links here to all these places. Thank you for a nice time! :o) Friendly Smiles, Foxy

Adrienne & Kyle - 04/10/00 23:19:59
My URL:http://kylealexander.homestead.com/kylespage.html
My Email:adrienne3173@yahoo.com

Hi!!! I just found your site through December 1999 babies webring. I am a member too. My son was born 12/1. Your son is such a cutie!!! Your whole family is adorable!!! I would love for you to visit my site.

Random Acts of Kindness

Cath - 04/08/00 14:44:26
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tn/salinashome
My Email:tikker@usa.com
Favortie boy's and girl's name: Charles and Jasmine

Great site! The children are sooooo cute.... thank you for sharing them with us, as well as all the other things. Good luck in the competitions, with the children as well as the DD's... ~smiles~

Romona Wright - 04/06/00 19:00:34
My URL:http://pages.ivillage.com/ps/qsmy1st98/index.html
My Email:dwright@kconline.com
Favorite cartoon: Blue's Clues

Hi. Just ran across your page. I really enjoyed my visit. Your children are beautiful. Stop over and see us sometime. Take care and keep smilin' ;O)

Lori - 04/06/00 15:23:32
My Email:harmon33@uswest.net
Favorite cartoon: PB & J Otter
Favortie boy's and girl's name: Jenna, Emily, hmmmm never could agree on boys!

Hey Dee!!! Tooooo Cute!!! I'm sending my dh to your page as he is beginning to design as well!! (Of course I'm sure it will be about football! ARGH) Take Care Lori

Michelle \labelle - 04/05/00 16:17:56
My URL:http://www.glen-net.ca/littleliam/
My Email:mlabelle@mail2.glen-net.ca
Favortie boy's and girl's name: Liam and Rowan

I love your page the pictures are soooo cute

Lane & Mommy - 04/04/00 16:38:54
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/lanestigger
My Email:lanestigger@aol.com
Favorite cartoon: This week it is 101 Dalmations(LOL)

Wanted to congradulate you on winning your contest for your site. (COOL) Tell the kid's hi for us. Take care!

Amy - 03/31/00 03:03:55
My URL:http://amynzachery.homestead.com/home.html
My Email:amy@charter.net
Favorite cartoon: Flintstones
Favortie boy's and girl's name: Zoe

Wanted to welcome Melody, Ivy, and Jacob not only to our Clubs, but to our new contests! Spread the word little ones! Great web site!

- 03/29/00 23:51:50
My Email:mr-billsympatico.ca
Favorite cartoon: Roger Rabbit
Favortie boy's and girl's name: Faith Hill

I wove you too GRAND-PA

DDMelinda - 03/27/00 14:59:09
My URL:http://www.digitaldelilah.com
My Email:mburgoon@earthlink.net

WELCOME TO THE DIGITAL DELILAHS ..... Hi!! I just wanted to stop in and give you a Great Big Warm Welcome on behalf of the Digital Delilahs!! We are so glad you have joined us. We know you are just going to love it here!! If you ever need anything, all you have to do is holler :-) We have a wonderful group of great people, along with competitions and monthly contests. We invite you to join in on all the fun BUT MOST OF ALL.....ENJOY YOURSELF!

Emily - 03/27/00 00:47:42
My URL:http://only.at/OurPage
My Email:emmykj@hotmail.com
Favorite cartoon: Love them all!
Favortie boy's and girl's name: Lily & Michael

I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed visiting your site. You have such beautiful children! Keep up the great work, your site really is wonderful!

DDemmy - 03/27/00 00:45:56
My URL:http://www.digitaldelilah.com

WELCOME TO THE DIGITAL DELILAH'S! You have such a wonderful site!! :) I am so glad you decided to join the Digital Delilah's. If there's ever anything you need remember we are all only an email away! GOOD LUCK IN THE COMPETITION!!

Tracy and Jordynn - 03/23/00 20:41:40
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/jordynn0114
My Email:jordynn0114@yahoo.com
Favorite cartoon: arthur
Favortie boy's and girl's name: autumn rose, Evan Andrew

Wow, Dee, I'm famous now. lol. Anyways, it looks great!!!Talk to you soon!! Hopefully Jordynn will "award" you soon. Love Tracy and Jordynn

Lady Red - 03/23/00 15:05:37
My URL:http://www.digitaldelilah.com

Your website looks great! All of your hard work shines through and it is obvious that you have spent a great deal of time and effort into making these wonderful pages! Why not consider putting your site to the test? Come join the Digital Delilah's Website Competition! Or maybe you'd like to join the Staff! You are also cordially invited to join our webring! http://www.digitaldelilah.com

Camryn and Mommy (Judy) Kyle - 03/23/00 05:26:31
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ks/camryn
My Email:pjkyle@prodigy.net
Favorite cartoon: Rugrats
Favortie boy's and girl's name: Kyle and Camryn

Jacob is sooo cute! Everyone else is cute too, but because Camryn is still a baby she likes to look at the baby pictures of Jacob. We will be back again really soon to look at everyones page. We are getting sleepy now though...goodnight! Thanks for th Web Award Jacob! Love, Camryn and Mommy

Désiree & Aurora - 03/21/00 17:15:38
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/babytadpole3/
My Email:barthel@aeroinc.net
Favorite cartoon: Bear in the Big Blue House (does that count as a cartoon?? LOL!)

Hi Dee! Just stoping by for a visit, your children are so beautiful!! Thank you for visiting our little home on the web and I hope you come back soon!! Aurora (18 months) sends hugs and baby kisses to you all! :) :) :)

Lane & Mommy - 03/19/00 21:37:44
My URL:http://Laneswebpage.homestead.com/lane1.html
My Email:lanestigger@aol.com
Favortie boy's and girl's name: Lane (Silly)

Just had to stop in and visit again. Love your new pages. Great job mommy, talk to ya soon. Take care little ones. Hugs from us!

Fareha A R - 03/15/00 03:40:23
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/auroraef/rayyan/rayyan.html
Favorite cartoon: Blue's Clues
Favortie boy's and girl's name: Rayyan & Aisyah

I love your creative page. Hmm but Blue's Clues takes time to download. Please visit your friend from Malaysia.

Julie and Baby Chrissy - 03/10/00 03:30:07
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/Redmondx3
My Email:redmondx3@yahoo.com
Favorite cartoon: Tom and Jerry
Favortie boy's and girl's name: Chrissy and Jacob

Hi! Baby Chrissy and I enjoyed surfing your webpage...very cute! We loved the colors and your choice of graphics too! We would like to invite you to join Baby Chrissys very own webring called Mommies and their Baby Girls. We think your site would be a nice addition. :o) If you are interested, please go to this link and fill out the form http://members.xoom.com/Redmondx /mommiesgirl.html Baby Chrissy sends you big drooly baby kisses!

Susie - 03/09/00 18:58:57
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/River/6378/MyFamilyPage.html
My Email:manning@dtgnet.com
Favortie boy's and girl's name: Reiley & Ethan ~ Remington & Sheridan

Thank you for signing my message board.. I hope to figure out how to do a guest book like this someday. =) Your web site is great! I am changing mine all the time.. so check back soon. I have added more of Ethan to his page.. and am changing our homepage. Thanks again.. and stop by anytime. Susie

GRAMMA LOIS - 03/02/00 19:32:21
Favorite cartoon: POPEYE


Lane & Mommy - 03/02/00 04:28:39
My URL:http://Laneswebpage.homestead.com/lane1.html
My Email:lanestigger@aol.com
Favorite cartoon: Pooh & Dumbo
Favortie boy's and girl's name: Lane & Maddison

What a cute site! We are also members of babies "97" so we had to check out our new babies site. Hope to have Ivy's picture on our site soon she will be added to our babies "97" page so check it out,and please sign the guest book so we know you droped in. bye-bye Ivy we'll chat at ya soon! Lane

Amanda - 03/01/00 23:14:46
My Email:baland@lorettotel.net
Favorite cartoon: Scooby Doo
Favortie boy's and girl's name: Georgia Anne and Noah Baskom

Hey, great homepage, I just received your e-mail about breastfeeding. You're the greatest. Thank you so much for your support! I need to get a webpage together for our family but I have no idea how to start!!

StephB - 03/01/00 21:27:15
Favortie boy's and girl's name: Shaun

Cute page. :-) I enjoy reading your responses on Babyzone. :-)

Amy n Zachery - 03/01/00 20:26:53
My URL:http://amynzachery.homestead.com/home.html
My Email:amy@charter.net
Favorite cartoon: Flintstones
Favortie boy's and girl's name: Zachery, Madison

Like your site alot! Hope you can visit mine too! Zachery has a web site too, loves visitors!!

TracyM - 03/01/00 20:19:49
My Email:Jordynn0114@yahoo.com
Favorite cartoon: Arthur
Favortie boy's and girl's name: today my favorite name is Autumn Rose for a girl and Evan Andrew for a boy.

Looks great Dee. Too bad I can't vote more than once a day for Jacob! I guess that would be cheating huh? What do you win if he is chosen?? Keep up the great job!! Love TracyM and Jordynn~6 1/2 weeks old

Jill - 03/01/00 10:04:10
My Email:waltersfam@interquest.de
Favorite cartoon: Rugrats
Favortie boy's and girl's name: Kyle~Kylie

Gosh Dee! I don't know where you find the time to do all that you do! Your doing great. Your family is just beautiful. I'm going to have to talk DH into a digital camera!

Amanda Aleck - 03/01/00 04:45:20
My URL:http://www.canadianlids.homestead.com/073077.html
My Email:saleck@northcom.net

Oh my goodness your kids are so adorable, Melody and Ivy are going to be heartbreakers and big boy Jacob is just amazing he looks so much like his sisters..and don't worry Jacob you just tell mommy that you know a new little place were she can find you so e cloths..wink wink...I just have to workout the picture thing!!lol...your so lucky to have beautiful kids like yours...I hope that we get to know each other and become better friends...sorry for taking up so much room but i think your site is wonderful a d your pictures are breath taking...I think Ivy should have a Wet & Wild Water party for her birthday lots of water balloons and relay races and a "BIG SPLASH" theme.

Alicia and Eli Campbell - 02/28/00 22:16:17
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/eli_campbell
My Email:amcampbell@adelphia.net
Favorite cartoon: Winnie-the-Pooh

We thought we would visit your site since you were so kind as to visit ours! Your children are so cute, and I love the Barbie party!!!! I will be back to see how they grow.

Brittney - 02/27/00 02:53:42
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/bpaigec/
Favorite cartoon: any cartoon is my fav

Hi! You have a very beautiful family. I enjoyed visiting your site... Keep up the great job!

Tracym - 02/23/00 18:33:09
My Email:tracy_macor@telus.net
Favorite cartoon: arthur
Favortie boy's and girl's name: boy- Koby girl- Autumn

Hi Dee, I love your web site. It must have taken you a long time. I can't wait to see more. Your girls and Jacob are so beautiful, and what a great idea of a "barbie party" I'll have to think on an idea for Ivy's b-day!I'll post it when I think of a few. See ya on babyzone! Love TracyM and Jordynn~6 weeks

Nicole (a.k.a. Auntie Nikki) - 02/21/00 17:51:19
My Email:nikkitootsie@hotmail.com
Favorite cartoon: Pepper Ann & The Simpsons
Favortie boy's and girl's name: Raine, Ivy

WOW, the site is looking better all the time! Excellent job! The pictures of the kids are great.

Sue - 02/20/00 03:06:43
My Email:zoe.maclean@ns.sympatico.ca
Favorite cartoon: Flintstones
Favortie boy's and girl's name: boy-? girl- Mckenzie

Beautiful web site! I am poohbear64 from chat and the message board. I would like to make a web site of my three boys but I have no idea where to begin. Your children are beautiful dee.

ARA - 02/19/00 00:13:29
My Email:roxie@cableregina.com
Favorite cartoon: If i ahve to pick one i would say 'Flintstones'
Favortie boy's and girl's name: Well, it would definetly have to be Emmalee & Noah

Your kids are adorable!! Good job on the webpage!! You must have a digital camera!!

Carosbaby - 02/18/00 17:42:36
My URL:http://carosbaby.homestead.com
My Email:cassandra1981@hotmail.com

WOW you have such a great and cute family!!!! I hope you visit me some time!

Heather - 02/18/00 08:18:56
My URL:http://members.aol.com/HEH2000/index.html
My Email:HEH2000@aol.com
Favorite cartoon: Recess & Doug
Favortie boy's and girl's name: girls: Satia (Suh-tee-yah) Rae

Hi Dee... your kids are so adorable! :O) your babyzone friend, (hholmes) Heather

Natacha - 02/16/00 17:07:13
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Vista/7932
My Email:natachag@ivillage.com
Favorite cartoon: Simpsons
Favortie boy's and girl's name: Joshua Alexander and Jordan Kimberly

Hi Dee! How are you doing? Can't believe Jacobs already born!! I remmeber when you told on the board that you are pregnant! Yuo suggested the babybunnies to me, remember??? Anyways, I love your site and it's great! You have such cute kids and surely a great family! Thanks for sharing! Natacha

Susan Murdock - 02/10/00 19:00:32
My Email:susan1013@aol.com
Favortie boy's and girl's name: Derek and Katie of course!!

What a cute web page! I've really enjoyed getting to "know" Dee throughout our pregnancies and look forward to a lasting friendship!

Charlie & Mommy - 02/08/00 17:55:45
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/BourbonStreet/Bayou/2873
My Email:parker@gator.net
Favorite cartoon: Arther
Favortie boy's and girl's name: Charlie, Claire

What a beautiful family!

Dee - 02/05/00 05:30:26
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/wa/mybabiesearthheaven
My Email:deefoye@webtv.net
Favorite cartoon: You'll laugh, but yes, I love the smurfs.
Favortie boy's and girl's name: Kasey(boy), Logan (girl), Liberty (girl), Lowden (boy), Holden (boy), Sloan (girl)

Dee, I love your page. You are doing a great job at it. Keep up the great work. Your family is beautiful. Your email pal, "the other" Dee

Annette & Caleb - 02/05/00 04:45:26
My Email:motard@srv.net
Favorite cartoon: Cindy Lou Who
Favortie boy's and girl's name: Tanner, Aarika

Hi Dee! Thought that I'd stop by and make my mark!

Molly Tyson - 02/04/00 23:00:11
My URL:http://www.bobimmy.com
My Email:molly@3dpowertools.com
Favorite cartoon: Bugs Bunny
Favortie boy's and girl's name: Julius, and Eve (of course)

Hi Dee, this is Molly from the Babyzone board. Great web site! Eve spends a special hello to Jacob - only 2 days younger than she is. Take care!

Auntie Noel - 02/04/00 17:06:45
My Email:starr71@hotmail.com
Favorite cartoon: smurfs
Favortie boy's and girl's name: David, Saleen

Well Dee you out did yourself this time the web page is absolutely incredible. The pictures are great but we need a different one of me. hee hee

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