Our Fans Page
Auntie Noel & Dave
Gramma, Auntie Nikki & Auntie Noel with Jacob at 1 day old
Auntie Nikki & Jacob
Grandpa DeBeaucamp & Jacob, 1 hour old
Pa-Pa and Jacob, 8 wks old
Grandma Sharon
Our friend Alyssa
Our friends Tracy & Sam
Fellow 1997 baby - Lane
My E-mail buddy Dee Foye & family: Kyle, Kasey, Dee & Logan
Our Babyzone friends Annette & Caleb
Our BZ friends, Tracy & Jordynn
Our BZ friend, Max
Our Babyzone friend Ara and her family
Our friend Hannah. She was born on the same day as Jacob
Matt & Jada
Our friend Jada
If you would like to be included on 'Our Fans' page, please e-mail us your pic!