Hey. So you want to know about Brewbaker Jr. High. You're curious. Or insane...but the horror stories come later. Let's take a tour... It's nice weather outside, and you are having a nice morning...were. You walk up to a gigantic building. The ominous red brick is awe-inspiring, this school is home to 3,000 7-9th graders and a 3-year champ soccer team. You walk off the bus, and head to the gym, where you wait until the bell rings. (If you're me, you avoid the band hall because that's where your loser ex hangs out...) After you've met up with your, friends, the bell rings and your happy morning takes a turn for the worst. All your classes are too easy, and nobody in your elective class (band) wants to do their job properly. If you weren't cynical enough in the morning, you are now. It's just like any other school, it sucks. Honestly. But let's talk now about how to fit in here, as I'm pretty popular and figured it out quickly. There are mainly two groups of people at my school. In one, they wear Tommy Hilfiger and FuBu, and listen to rappers like DMX and Puff Daddy. I happen to belong to the other group though, and I can explain in detail to you my fave outfits and the collest brands/ music. Let's start with the basics. THE hot brands on campus are Gap and Old Navy. These are musts. For shoes it's Adidas or Timberlands, hands down. My favorite outfit is a pretty flowered tee, Old Navy boot cut jeans, a gap anorak, and adidas sneakers. All the girls wear their hair in high ponytails with a ribbon tied around it. We are fashion godesses. Even though my school sucks, it IS a fab social outlet, don't get me wrong. I think the hottest song right now in my school is "Pretty Fly For A White Guy", by the Offspring. Also, the hang-out spots are the city's two malls, and Looney's, the local skating rink. We have a bunch of different stuff going on...you can e-mail me if you plan on coming to the school. You'll hate your classes to no end, but I'm sure you'll have a kickin' social life!! ;)