Well, since this site is about *me*, I guess I better put some 411 on it, huh? Hmmm...
Name: Jennifer, Jenna, Jen *whatever*
Birthday: August 2, 1986--You wanna get me a present or something? Doubt it...
Current School: Brewbaker Jr, High
Favorite Color : Grey
Likes: TV, piano, clarinet (hate my band), being cynical and sarcastic, reading the Bible
Dislikes: Mean people, stupid people (no offense if you're stupid...), Random IMers
Favorite TV shows: Daria.
Least fav TV shows: none. I don't watch them, they don't watch me. It works.
Fav School Subjects I hate them all.
Least fav School Subs: All of them.
Location: Alabama. (Yes, it sucks, I'm moving to Guam in June. Which also sucks.)
Fav. Songs anything by dc Talk or Jars of Clay, ska, swing, shoot, I like it all...
Least Fav. Songs Don't have one!!
Hobbies I have hobbies? Oh, yeah, that's right...I play 1st chair clarinet (but I hate my school band), soccer, and I write some. I used to anyway, but it's too depressing so I stopped unless I'm depressed...long story...