Welcome to my lil home on da web!
Make sure to bookmark my site, I am always updating
adding pictures and so on...
I am thinkin' of some new things to add all the time.
I actually have the time to update my poor site!
with Christmas and all it was hard to find time.
You can find some neat stuff if u click on "Links"
or if you use the Frame to ur left you will find more
things to look at. I am going to be adding a link page
to add websites to so if YOU want your site on there
fill out the form!
Check out my Cliques I added them just for u guys
to sign up for and put on ur page! Have fun
surfing around, and if u have any questions or
comments make sure to e-mail me =) Guess what! Sign up for your own FREE e-mail
from my website! just click the link below & sign up
check back sooooooon!!
Michael has the other half
Please do not take any of the graphics off this page
unless you
e-mail me or contact me on ICQ and ask me.