I have received tons and tons of complaints saying: "What happened
to your homepage?". I was getting seriously ticked off, because I just started
Middle School at the time, and I just needed to take a breather. That "breather"
turned into a very long period of time, and my homepage became "forgotten"
to me. I started getting on the internet once again to find cheats for my
Nintendo, and I found that i was actually missed by some people. I finally
decided to get more envolved online, so I started helping
MegaManXTreme with his new
MultimediaFusion game:
Power. I now try to get on every weekday at 5, and weekends the first
possible moment. I hope you are glad to have me back, and I hope you enjoy
my NEW AND IMPROVED HOMEPAGE! I'm going to try to work harder to make this
page better then ever (if I can remember my password)! It is now RE -
OPENED to the public, but I am still working on it like mad...
ENTER: "Fanewgie: The MegaMan HomePage"
DOWNLOAD: "Fanewgie's Theme"
Still available: The Award Page!