Woo woo, We've won the Enchanted Forest Outstanding Homepage Silver Medal!
(Thank you CP!) It's time to go for the GOLD!
Yeah, the new coloring books are here! Just print them out, color them,
and send it back in. I'll show them off here, and once a month, (if I have enough interest) I'll, give out
awards for first, second and third prices!
I've created 5 awards to give out to all the little boys and girls
(and the not-so-little boys and girls that want one) for Jaired to give out. They are pretty cute
if I do say so myself! If you want one, just email me or fill out the form, I'll have Jaired
check out your site. If he squeals with delight, you've won! It's that easy! Brats automatically get one.
We've won the Enchanted Forest Bronze Homepage Achievment Award!
Na ne na ne poo poo! (Thank you Cindy!) We're going for the silver next. Wish us luck!
I've finished my Pooh's image map and it's up and running! I had to make
a few concessions for Netscape users. Since I've added frames to the Pooh's page, Netscape users will only get a white screen
when they try to view it. So, I've created a separate page just for them!
I've added the neat little scrolling bar thingy to
flip throught the pages. Better than the old clunky table I had.
Add your link automatically in the links page! Kids sites only, please.
I'm working on the Chronicles of Jaired (mostly for the grandparents and friends).
I have tons and tons of cute baby pictures, that my relatives and friends in Thailand never saw. So this is for them.
And, since Jaired will be turning 3 in a few days, I will put up his birthday party page, too! (I've invited some of
Jaired's cyber friends from his web rings to visit this site and wish him a happy birthday. Come back and see the pictures of the actual party!)
I'm working on an image map Of NeverLand for the Peter Pan Page.
I've searched and searched, there's just not enough sites devoted to Peter and Jaired loves that movie, so, I'm good enough, I'm smart enough,
and gosh darnit, people like me!
I took out the Scooby's page, for now. There just wasn't enough
work done on it to do it justice. I'm hoping to put it back up after I get the other stuff I wanted
to do first.
Crosswords puzzles, more coloring books, games and a bunch of neat stuff! I told you, I'm not done with
this page!
Hits since 9/14/98