¢£ä§§ ÌV-3 '99- '00
we all have gone through the happiness & wonderful experiences of bein in highschool oh yeah there's pain, sorrow, depression etc. but there always comes to a point where you have to leave it all behind and advance to a new level, a new stage and we did that. now we are college ladies but behind those beautiful matured faces there still lies the highschool girl in us. in which those 49 pretty girls have experienced life together in those small STC classrooms. as we grow and journey through life you can join us here in our website. WELCOME!

hey there everyone...now u can e-mail IV3 students just click on(IV-3's e-mail ).

last updated November 23, 2000

whaz happenin'!?mga panakot ng daga!things you don't wanna know...ang mga dictators!!!why we are flunking...

other cool sites...sign here if you're cool!

IV-3 ( III-6)... proud to be Theresians!!!
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