Rainbow Ponies
- Moonstone
- Parasol
- ***Pinwheel
- ***Confetti
Twice As Fancy
- Bonnie Bonnets
- SweetTooth/Lollipop
- Up Up and Away
- Love Melody
- Fifi
***Pretty Mane Ponies (Mail Order)***
Merry-go-round Ponies
- Flower Bouquet
- Brilliant Blossoms
Twinkle Eyes
- ***Mimic
- Bright Eyes
- Locket
- Maskerade
- Amber
- Amethyst
- Sapphire
- Aquamarine
Candy Cane Ponies
- Gingerbread (Molasses in the USA)
- Lemon Treats
Sparkle Ponies
- Starhopper, either colour mane
School Time Ponies
- Sportstime
- ***Musictime
- ***Paintingtime
7 Pony Friends
Great Hair Ponies
Accescories and Miscellanious Pony Stuff
- All the Plush Ponies
- All the MLP Buildings
- ***All the outfits except the Jogging suit and the
"Lights, Camera, Action" gold dress.
- Any shoes of any colour
- ***All the Combs and Brushes
- ***All the Pony Furniture
- Misc. Pony stuff such as wallets, china figures etc etc etc