Science Links for the Classroom

Inventors: Innovative
Lives created by the Smithsonian Institution looks at people/inventors who
have created new inventions that help shape our lives.
Module A; Habitats
Chapter 1 - Into the Desert
Chapter 2 - Changes in the
Chapter 3 - Into the Forest

Into the Desert ... explore the environment & geology, the plants, the
animals and the people of the desert at DESERT USA
the Line; Deserts explores the fascinating environment of the desert.
Into the Forest ... explore A Year in the Life of a
Tree as you learn about forest habitats.
Habitats; The
Growth of a Forest presented by National Geographic explores a forest
habitat (its plants and animals).
FORSite on
the web, is the place to learn about 'How a Tree Grows', 'Tree Identification', 'The Forest
Community", and more.
A Forest Is
... created by Georgia Pacific explores the forest community of plants and
Come Along
on a Nature Walk is created by World Book Multimedia Encyclopedia to enable
us to learn more about forest and its plants and animals ( site is changes each
Amazon Interactive explore
the geography of the Ecuadorian Amazon through online games and activities.
The Sea provides a variety of
information about the ocean environment.
Year of the Ocean multimedia
page is devoted to presentations related to the ocean.
National Wildlife Federation is a web
site offering many activities and links to explore habitats, wildlife, and
environmental education.
Eco-Games offers Build-A-Prairie by choosing the plants and animals create
a healthy prairie or the Watershed Game is an interactive water-shed planning
Radar's Terrarium explores
Physical Geography of our world with topics: Climate, Earth, Land, Water, Sky,
and Energy.
For Kids Only - Earth Science
Enterprise looks at what effects the world we live in; Air, Natural Hazards,
Land, Water, and People.

Module B; Gardening
Chapter 1 - Plants and Energy
Chapter 2 - Soil and Water
Chapter 3 - Good Food
Plants And Our Environment site
enables you to explore plants: how they grow, their plant parts, and much more.
Great site for plant unit is Partners for Growing
which offers a wide variety of activities and content related to plants.
The Great Plant
Escape created by the University of Illinois Extension presents a learning
adventure where you help Detective Le Plant and his partners Bud and Sprout
unlock the amazing mystery of plant growth.
Seeds of Change Garden
explores the seasons of a garden and invites you to learn what it takes to
build a healthy garden.
Calling All Kids is a
site developed for kids by Kids Health Organization to answer your health
Nutrition Camp explores the food pyramid, balanced meals; calories burned
doing different exercises, and facts on food labels.

Module C: Finding Shelter
Looking at animal homes on the Web; prairie
dogs living in underground burrows, or eagles living
in nests in treetops... explore and learn.
Shelter/Homes learn
about how animals make their houses.
Hypermedia is a web textbook for Elementary Science lessons on Water,
Matter and energy, and Atoms and Molecules.
All About Atoms
teaches the basics about atoms.
Energy has many forms. To learn more about energy, what it is, how it is
used, and conservation visit Energy
Quest from the California Energy Commission.

Exploring Simple Machines ... look first at what simple machines
are .

BrainPop offers an online video about incline
planes and another video about levers.
Look at tools made
during the Stone Age, or observe chimpanzees making tools.

Module D: Moving
Chapter 1 - Ways of Moving
Chapter 2 Moving to Survive
Chapter 3 - People on the Move
Find out how
seeds are scattered; a lesson on seed dispersal.

Observe animals in motion
to discover how they move.

provides online field guides to the animal and plant kingdom.
Learn about the aerodynamics
of animals and why some animals are able to fly.
Bones" Human skeleton assembly activity
Brain POP offers activities and videos related to a lot
of different topics but Skeleton
Movie explains the function of your bones, what your bones are made of, and
how your bones help you move.
Look at the history of Transportation
hosted by the Smithsonian Museum; Air travel, Ships/boats, automobiles, and

Module E; Sounds All Around
Seeing, Hearing, and Smelling the World
making sense of our senses.
BrainPop offers two online movies related to sound "Sound“ and
to help explain what sound is and how our ears help us to hear.
Soundry is a
Think Quest '98 site that explores sound. Explore the ear, sound waves, and
Energy In The Air is a
Think Quest Junior project that explores sound explores how sound is made, and
relates sounds to the instruments in the orchestra.

A Space Odyssey looks at radio
transmission. Find out about how radio has sent sounds over the air to us
and how it is done.

Module F: Protecting the Earth
Chapter 1 - Clean
Chapter 2 - All
About Trash
Chapter 3 - Making
a Difference
Water Science for Schools
from the U.S. Geological Survey presents information about water, pictures,
data, maps, and an interactive center to test your knowledge of water.
Fresh Water
resources are designed to look at Fresh Water Ecosystems and what's it like
where you live (water).

View an online video explaining the water
Explorer's Club produced by the EPA
and EcoKids Online both present lots
of interesting facts and things to do related to you and your environment.
EPA also has another site related to recycling called Welcome to Recycling City. Learn
about how recycling reduces waste as you play games, read facts, and do
activities related to recycling.
Help Save Animals their Habitats
Watercare... stopping water
E Patrol explores endangered
animals, energy saver, and more.
Science in Action presented
by BBC
Dragonfly is a science magazine for kids.