
and welcome to my page. I love the shows "Seventh Heaven", "Charmed", "TRL", "I Love Lucy", "The Real World", & "Friends" to name a few. If any of these are your favorites also, e-mail me at and we can talk about the shows & I will tell you more about myself.
ENJOY MY PAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nikki & Brian, early 1989
My Background
I was born in Albuquerque, New Mexico in 1987. I lived their for 7 and 1/2 years before moving to Clovis, New Mexico. After 18 months we moved to South Carolina and we have been here since. I am now in high school and have known a lot of my classmates since 3rd grade.
I just finished 9th grade and am soooo glad that it's finally summer. I am planning on going to the beach with my church and to New Mexico to visit my family. The best thing though is just being lazy, sleeping in, and NO homework.

Me and my friends Claire and Molly(seated),
Some of my interests:
My little brother Max, going to the movies, almost anything out-doors, going to church, jumping on the trampoline, watching t.v., swimming,
talking to my friends, and the internet. I also play Volleyball. I have a dog, a goat, a turtle and a rabbit.

Counter installed 25 July 98
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