~My Best Friend~
My Best Friend

When I think of my best friend
You always come to mind
You're the only one just like you
That I'll ever find

You know my deepest secrets
You know me like I do
When ever there are clouds in my sky
You my sunshine shining through

When ever something's wrong
And I don't know what to do
When ever I am troubled
The one to comfort me is you

If I have a problem
If I have to cry
You always know the answers
And if you don't you'll always try

You understand just about everything
Almost as if you were me
Your the best friend in the world
Friends forever I hope we shall be

We had so many times together
When we laughed and even cried
We were there for each other no matter what
And I hope our friendship never dies

I know that you felt this too
You felt it in your heart
And we both knew that we had something special
Even from the start

You believe we might be soul mates
Our souls joined forever
And no matter what happens
You and me will be together

But right now I feel like I'm losing you
It seems that we're drifting apart
Is this an unstoppable change?
What can I do on my part?

Friends are a great thing
They're caring, fun, and kind
But I'm just afraid that I could be the forgotten one
I don't want to be left behind

It scares me sometimes to think ahead
Not knowing what the future will hold
I don't know what I would do without you
I couldn't be that bold

But no matter what happens
Life will go on
Things will be all right, I hope
And we will both be strong

But never forget what we had
And you know I'm always here
Never forget about me
Whether you're far or near

One thing you can count on
Forever it will be true
You'll always have a place in my heart
And Tami, I love you

Love Always,