I was a young elf maiden in a small village. I had
no siblings, but I as cheerful and close in love to my parents.
My father was a merchant, not wealthy, but well respected. Near
my home were a lovely meadow and a brook. A gentle waterfall
rumbled and poured into the brook. I loved to sit in the meadow,
listening to the voices of the small animals and watching the
sprites that moved from hiding place to hiding place.
One day, I heard a frightening commotion in the village and ran from my meadow. I found these appalling creatures killing the villagers. They were not elves. They looked human, but were strange in appearance. They were the evil horde of Moadim.
Moadim had lived in a village called Tapoch, which was surrounded by the Penobium Mountains. The villagers were peaceful, harmless, inbred, not too bright, and contained, until the evil sorcerer, Saddes, came into Tapoch. Saddess seemed to fill many of the villagers with evil, especially Moadim. Then, using great magic, Saddess opened a path through the Penobium Mountains, releasing the powerful and evil horde.
I had heard whispers about Moadim, his sorcerer,
and the destruction they wreaked in the land. Now, they were here,
cruel and deadly. I saw fires and heard screams. I ran to my home.
As I arrived, I was grabbed by one of the horde and held. I watch
as they killed my father and mother. I struggled, trying to fight,
forgetting my own fate was still in doubt. They dragged me from
the bodies of my parents. I was thrown with the other prisoners
into wagons pulled by large beasts.
We traveled for many hours. When at last the darkness overtook us, the wagons stopped. One guard remained. From whence I got the strength or the daring, I know not, but I surprised the guard, and killed him with his own weapon. I wasn't happy doing this, not even though they had destroyed my village and killed my family and friends, but I knew in my heart that such evil must be destroyed.
I was shocked and dismayed that the other prisoners refused to leave their captors. Their fear of the unknown was greater than the fear of the evil ones who now possessed their lives. I was forced to travel alone into the wilderness and seek a new life.
I arrived in this realm, and felt comforted and
welcomed. I had wandered a long time, seeking a new home, a new
strength. Over time, I crawled from a weak and sorrowful maiden
to a hero, strong in the faith of her god. And when I had
achieved this hero status, I felt I must truly prove myself to
this realm and to my god.
I recalled the weak, sad maiden I had been. I remembered how I stood helpless as the evil horde of Moadim killed my parents and destroyed my village. I remembered the burden of fear in my heart as I waited to learn my fate. I remember how, as less than a slave, they took me away. Now, I would right the wrongs done to my family, my village, and me. I would go forth to that distant land of Moadim and smite the evil. I felt certain that my god Ixion would go with me on my journey.
When I arrived at last at the stronghold of Moadim and his evil horde, I quickly vanquished the many soldiers who blocked my way. This encouraged me, and I felt the honor of Ixion strong within my soul, and so I made my way quickly to the throne room of Moadim.
Moadim sat before me on an enormous golden throne and to his side was an evil sorcerer, Saddes, who was the force behind the evil that demolished my village. I took up my weapons and began the fight. It was not long before I knew I was not strong enough to defeat Moadim and the mighty Saddes. But as I fell to the floor, wounded and dying, I prayed to my god Ixion. I did not pray to be saved, but to thank him. For where once I felt fear, I now felt courage. Where once I was ignorant, I had gained knowledge. Where once I was of no consequence, I felt nobility and honor within my heart. And as I fell before the evil Moadim and Saddes, I prayed to my god, "If die I must in the battle to fight this evil, sustain and preserve me in my honor."
It was then that I looked upward and saw the blaze....eyes of fire that looked upon me and heated my soul. I heard the words though there was no mouth to speak them. It was my god, Ixion, who proclaimed to me..... "Let not the evil defeat you. Stand strong against it, Zarabet. Stand strong as I stand beside you! In honor!"
I arose to my feet, renewed in his power and strength. And I battled once more and saw the defeat of Moadim and the evil sorcerer, Saddes. At last the evil horde was dispatched and I felt myself renewed once more with my god. And I prayed to all the mighty gods of the realm, prayers of gratitude. And I prayed to my god Ixion, prayers of gratitude. And I knew that I had changed, that my soul had been touched in a new and special way.
Now I strive and move forward, in honor, in the way of my god, Ixion.