Haha'ione PTSA In-School Support Page
Haha'ione Elementary School PTSA
Support Funding
We as a unit are happy to extend minor financial assistance
to groups within Haha'ione Elementary which serve the student body.
Wellness Committee
Funding for this committee is used to purchase the award pins given to students at the quarterly recognition assemblies;
provide hospitality for numerous functions, as well as a variety
of other items.
JPO (Junior Police Officers) Program
Hahaione's JPOs provide our students safe crossing of streets before and after school. PTSA provides funding of incidentals and for expenses relating to their annual skills competition.
Student Council
While Student Council is basically independent of financial
assistance, monies are set aside each year in the event of need.
Physical Fitness
Finalists in the school's physical fitness meet go on to compete in a statewide competition at Aloha Stadium. PTSA supports this team by covering some incidental expenses.
Peer Mediation
A special project of the Wellness Committee, this program teaches students conflict mediation and problem solving skills.
A+ Program
These funds are used to purchase materials, supplies for use by the A+ Program staff and students enrolled in the program.
PCNC (Parent-Community Networking Center)
Funds are made available to the PCNC for hospitality and
materials connected with the parent involvement and miscellaneous workshops provided by the PCNC.