Hahaione PTSA
Haha'ione Elementary PTSA
About the School
Haha'ione Elementary School
Where Helping Hands Join On A Journey Of Wonder And Discovery
595 Pepeekeo Street
Honolulu, Hawaii 96825
Phone: (808)397-5822
Fax: (808)397-5827
Mascot: Hawks
Colors: Royal Blue & Kelly Green
Haha'ione Elementary
Haha'ione Elementary is a public school servicing students in kindergarten through the sixth grade. The school is located in the upper middle class neighborhood of Hawaii Kai in east Oahu. In 1997, Haha'ione became a School-Community Based Managed (SCBM) School.
The school's focus is as a science and technology center. It is one of a very few elementary schools on the island with a functioning science lab and specialized program.
The Computer lab is utilized by all grade levels on a regular basis. Internet access is provided to students via the computer lab and the library computers.
The A Plus afterschool program is provided to working parents needing afterschool childcare.
Haha'ione has a very active PTSA and parental involvement is welcomed in and out of the classroom. Haha'ione also has the benefit of a PCNC (Parent-Community Networking Center) on campus.
Haha'ione Elementary, Kamiloiki Elementary, Koko Head Elementary, Niu Valley Middle and Kaiser High School make up the Kaiser Complex school system. Hawaii's schools are neighborhood based. Enrollment in a school is determined by the student's home address. District exemptions are granted for enrollment in another school generally on a space available basis. The Kaiser complex schools are actively working to align all of their curricula to produce a smooth learning experience for Kindergarten through 12th grade. Language arts curricula realignment was completed in 1997.
Kaiser complex schools are located in a self-contained community developed by billionaire Henry J. Kaiser in the 1960's. A large marina is the focal point of the area. Water sports and recreation are highly visible here. Koko Head District Park, Hanauma Bay marine refuge, Koko Head Botanic Park and Sea Life Park are all in close proximity. Three shopping centers provide a variety of restaurants, grocery stores, theatres and banking. A post office, fire station and ambulatory services are available as well.
Haha'ione is located on the east side of the Island of Oahu.
The island is 44 miles long by 30 miles wide and covers 592.7 square miles. The island's main features are Pearl Harbor, Honolulu International Airport, Punchbowl Cemetary, Downtown Honolulu, Waikiki and Diamond Head.
All branches of the military have large bases on the island.
Oahu serves as the seat of government for all the islands. The state house and governor's residence are located in downtown Honolulu.
Iolani Palace, the only royal palace on American soil, is also located downtown. Waikiki is just a few miles east of downtown and is a focal point of the state's tourism economy.

Map modified to include area names.

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