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If I were a character in The Lord of the Rings, I would be Celeborn, Elf, King of Lothlorien, husband of Galadriel and grandfather of Arwen.

In the movie, I am played by Marton Csokas.

Who would you be?
Zovakware Lord of the Rings Test with Perseus Web Survey Software

See what Care Bear you are.

Want To Know Which Element You Are?

You are Water!

Stuck between the sky and the ground, you lack the sudden impulse that Air has but are unable to root yourself down like Earth. Though you have troubles finishing projects, people can depend on you for the most part (even if it means pulling a few all-nighters). On the plus side, you are extremely adaptable and thus can adjust to any situation. Sure, you might not like it, but it doesn't weigh you down.

Best Match: Fire, just enough 'oomph' to keep your interest.
Worst Match: Spirit, you'll be out the door before they make up their minds.

  • My #1 result for the selector, Which LOTR Elf Are You, is Arwen

    You're Doomed to be Haldir!

    Reduced from your role as guide and ambassador of Lothlorien, your now "first grumpy elf encountered since Rivendell" there isn't much else to say about you save that it must really suck hanging out with the bobsy twins all day.

    Which other character of FOTR are you doomed to be?

    brought to you by

    Which "Saved By The Bell" Character Are You?

    Which of Valerie's friends are you?

    75.0% weirdness. Quirky - In a somewhat disturbing way.

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