The Animal Kingdom Webring

Welcome to "The Animal Kingdom Webring". It's easy to join. There are just a couple of rules. First, you have to really love animals. Second, if your site is about animals, that is a help. And third, no adult sites or pornography is allowed.

To join, fill out the form and after submitting the Animal Kingdom Web Ring registration form, you will need to copy and paste the HTML fragment, which is listed below, on your web site. You will need to copy and paste and insert your e-mail address and site ID number. You are advised to place the Animal Kingdom Web Ring HTML fragment on the first page of your site. If, however, you decide not to put the HTML fragment on the first page, please submit the URL that contains the HTML fragment at the "Your page's URL" portion of the Registration form of The Animal Kingdom Web ring. Then you will need to e-mail me at to add you to the ring. It is really pretty easy. I am looking forward to hearing from all the animal lovers out there, so this can be a successful webring.

Submit site to The Animal Kingdom Webring
Site Title:
Site URL:

Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.

Here is a sample of what the ring logo will look like after you have added it to your site.

This Animal Kingdom Web Ring site owned by YOUR NAME
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Want to join the ring? Click here for info

Here is the HTML fragment, remember copy and paste and put in your e-mail address and site id.

<!-Beging Animal Kingdom Ring Fragment--> <center> <table border=1><tr><td align=center> This <a href=>Animal Kingdom Web Ring</a> site owned by <a href=mailto:YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS>YOUR NAME</a> <br> <center><a href=><img src="animalkingdom.gif"></a></center.</td></tr> <tr> <td align=center> | <a href= ID&prev5>Previous 5 Sites</a> | <a href= ID&sprev>Skip Previous</a> | <a href= ID&prev>Previous</a> | <a href= ID&skip>Skip Next</a> | <a href=>Next</a> | <a href= ID&next5>Next 5 sites</a> | <a href= ID&random>Random Site</a> | <a href= ID&list>List Sites</a> <br>Want to join the ring? Click here for <a href=>info</a> </td></tr></table></center> <!--End Animal Kingdom Web Ring Fragment-->

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