I won't wait around

You claim to be my friend
But to you
It’s only a part-time position
Whenever someone "cooler" is around
All of a sudden I don’t exist
Yet when all those people are gone
You expect me to be there
For you attention
And I always am

Well maybe it’s time that I stop
taking that shit from you
next time you ditch me for the person
that has the boat and the lake
or the hot friends
or the funniest inside joke
I won’t be waiting around

I’m sick of watching you
Whisper constantly to someone else-
Right in front of me-
I’m sick of being ignored
When my existence isn’t convenient

So call me when you want
To treat me like the friend
You say I am
Call me if you ever need to talk
I’ll be here to listen
But I won’t wait around
The ball’s in your court
The decision is yours
Just let me know
when you figure things out.

Until then don’t expect me
To bail you out
When the "cooler" people have left
I won’t wait around


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