Elementalor Iceberg - Favoritos - Picks
Pues bien, por descontado que mi página es buena :D pero las hay incluso mejores, mejor hechas, más interesantes, con más información, más multimedia y de obligada visita. Yo mismo selecciono las páginas que aparecen aquí... Si está entre mis Favoritos, es buena, no significa que sean amigos míos (incluso pueden serlo ;)
So well, of course, my page is a good page :D but there are even better, better-made, more interesting, with more info, more multimedia and a must-visit pages. I myself choose the pages featured here... If it's among my Picks, it's a good page, which it doesn't mean that they're friends of mine (maybe even they are friends of mine ;)
De hecho, no son más que los favoritos que uso en mi Explorador, ¿se puede ser más sincero? :D
In fact, they are only my favourites that I use in my Explorer, could I be more sincere? :D
Nota: Las páginas siguientes no son bilingües en su mayoría, por lo que para una mejor navegación sólo escribiré un comentario en el idioma en que las páginas han sido creadas...
Note: Most of the following pages aren't bilingual , so for a better browsing I will only write a comment in the language the pages has been created...
Welcome to Vane! -- <sniff> The first page I ever visited and the beginning of my Internet adventure.. If you know about Lúnar, you sure know this page. If not, you better go there quick! Easily the mother of all Lúnar Pages in the Net.
Unofficial GameArts Paradise -- Want the last news in Japan? Are you a GameArts nut? Need a game from Japan? You got it! ;) A very high recommendable page updated with news almost every day. Jimmy Jaw makes this page the true GameArts Paradise... (Made with a Mac =
Shrine to Ghaleon -- Do you want to know about the most important character in the LUNAR series? Perhaps the LUNAR timeline? Or wanna read the biggest collection of LUNAR and Phantasy Star fanfics? You MUST visit this page! ^_^
The Lunar Outpost -- Oh, yes!! Movies, snapshots, music in MPEG format, latest news about Working Designs in the US... Jason Hill develops this really professional page... Just a comment... I had ever heard that Jason Hill could be Victor Ireland in person =) 'nuff said :D
DragonMaster Tempest's -- One Geocities friend of mine, and a page that features XM songs from The Silver Star, Eternal Blue and Silver Star Story. Need an XM? Want to learn about Lunar? This page is for you! <<Email him ASAP and ask him to make his page bilingual>>:)
Lily's RPG-Anime Pics -- A lovely page dedicated to feaure Lunar Art. Pages about almost every character in the Lunar series. Did I mention that Ghaleon has his own page there? She is about to move to the ABBA fandom ;) If she's the spirit of the IRC channel #Arcadia, her page shows that spirit in a great way...
Blake's The Flying Cat Homepage -- If a person in the whole world represents the dragons of Althena, that would be, indeed, Captain Blake. Funny page, great compilation of pictures of Dragons (what else? ;) If you want to meet the reality of the Dragons of Lunar, you better run to this page!
Vecna's VERGE Homepage -- Who said that you can't find a good RPG for a PC? Vecna is decided to finish with this flaw the PCs suffer... He is developing the ultimate RPG creator program! Yep, you heard right, a program to make your own RPGs... First releases look incredible, running in a 486 smoothly... Go there and contribute with your ideas and help.
Nonags -- Looking for the best Freeware and Shareware site in the web? Nonags offers you programs that don't annoy you with screens like 'Register' or 'You have used this program 8964 times. Send me some $$$$.' Updated daily and offers only the best... I recommend the Antivirus section with a Free Norton Antivirus Scanner updated monthly...
ThunderByte Antivirus -- Easily one of the best Antivirus in the world, available for download for every OS... You never know when you will need this... ;)
Netscape -- In the advance of the Web, Netscape plays a great role, competing side-by-side with Micro$oft... If it wasn't for the friends of Netscape, we would be still in the Stone Age of the WWW.. Go visit them and support this project! The Communicator Suite offers you what every Net-User needs... Only one flaw: they don't offer International Languages for their newest releases...
Microsoft -- What can I say? Well, just go there and download IE 4.0, the best browser, IMHO, cause it really brings to you the Web to your desktop. Read the warning before you download anything... :)