
    Alright, everyone, welcome to our Third Realm: HEROES campaign website.  As noted above, I'm keeping the design extremely plain so that loading will not lag for people who do not have DSL or Cable Modems.  On this site you'll find pretty everything you need to stay informed on the current story, rules, tactics, and downloads that would enhance your game. 

Here are some announcements (as of JANUARY 26th, 2005)

    1.  Next gameday is Sunday, February 6th.  Bring dice, character, food money, pencil, campaign journal.

    2.  I am working on a program that will make Character Creation and Character Advancement a lot faster and easier, incorporating all the info from the 4th edition book (instead of 3rd edition, which you have on file).  I am constructing this thing as a Microsoft Excel file since everybody has that program and...well, okay, I don't know how to program any other kind of thing anyway.  Check this site every now and then to see if it comes up.

    3.  You may achieve bonus Hero Points by checking back on this site and completing small tasks (such as GM evaluations and such).  None of these tasks will be difficult, and they are not meant to require research, hard work, diligence, motivation, or a second brain cell.  All they require is THOUGHT and they should take you about 5 minutes, max, to complete.  If they take longer than that, the Hero Point bonus will go up.  Right now the bonus task is a GM evaluation.  Up to 10 Hero Points, based on completeness (did you address all parts of the campaign?) and helpfulness (did you say stuff that matters or were you talking out of your buttocks?).

    4.  The memory verse for this upcoming game is Colossians 1:13-20 (NASB). 

    5.  Brian is a dummy.