I was born on March 23, 1991 - three days before my Dad’s birthday. He says I was the best birthday present he received that year.
My real name is Jose Nicolo. Jose is my Dad’s and my Lolo Papa’s name. Nicolo comes from Nicolas which is my Lolo Daddy’s name. Lolo means grandpa. Lolo Papa is my Dad’s Papa. Lolo Daddy is my Mom’s Daddy. I hope you’re not confused.
My nickname, Chino, comes from the late Filipino nationalist and newspaperman named Chino Roces. My Mom and Dad admired him a lot. (I’m glad I wasn’t named after a chicken like my sister. Ha-Ha!)
I love to read. My favorites are the stories and funny poems of Roald Dahl and the Family Circus books.
I love jokes. I’m a very funny kid. My Ate Chuchay says I even have a funny face.
By the way, "Ate" is pronounced ah-teh. It means elder sister. I love to eat, but I didn’t eat my sister.
Oh yes, I love to eat. I guess that’s why I look a lot like Winnie the Pooh. He’s one of my favorite characters, too.
I also love to make toys out of bits and pieces of junk. My Mom and Dad give me their empty boxes, spools and other odds and ends.
Aside from recycled toys, my favorites are Genie, Buzz and my K’nex.
Mom and Dad are allowing us only a few hours a week at the computer. When it’s my turn, though, I like painting and writing stories in Kid Works. I also like playing around with scanned photos in Photostacker Pro - it’s a little like Power Goo, which we don’t have.
I want to grow up to be a chef and a scientist. I’ll cook for the cafeteria in Ate Chuchay’s school and I’ll be their head scientist, too.
If you want to be my e-mail pen pal, write me here.