Stephie's Corner
Copyright Notice
Stephie's Corner is provided for entertainment purposes and is free of charge as is.
Everything you see on Stephie's Corner is copyright, which means everything on Stephie's Corner belongs to me. You may NOT take anything from Stephie's Corner without written permission by me, owner and creator of Stephie's Corner. You are not permitted to post, publish, distribute, modify, or take anything from Stephie's Corner.
If you see something on Stephie's Corner that you like and would like to put on your website, you must ask me ( first. If you get my written permission, it will be all right to take what you want. If you do not get my permission, you are not aloud to take what you want.
Copying someone else's work and pretending that the work is yours is called plagiarism. It is against the law to do so. When you come across something you want to post on your website, report, etc, put quotation marks around the borrowed material and acknowledge where you got it from.
Please do NOT copy if a website is copyright. It isn't right to take credit for other people's work. Not only is it rude, but it is stupid. What are you proving to yourself when you copy? The answer: That you are not a creative and imaginative person and you can't use your own brain to think up ideas. It is never right to copy. You are not aloud to copy on exams, homework, tests, other's creations, and many other things. So again, don't steal other people's ideas, creations, graphics, or whatever - Think up your own.
Remember, a good website should never have copied materials. A good website is a website that is original!
Please note: I did not mean to offend anyone. If I have offended you, I apologize. Remember - Don't copy!
What is copyright? Find out at What is copyright?
Stephie's Corner