Some pages take a long time to load but Geesh ! I'm only a raccoon !
I hope you enjoy my site
The above banner is a gift from my friend SEARCHING EAGLE in Norway
You can visit his site linked elsewhere on these pages Thanks SEARCHING EAGLE
These pages are dedicated to all the children I have met and who have become my friends. I have also included many of their drawings.These are just a few of my friends. You'll meet more on the following pages.

And now while Mom's not lookin'

Mom still hasn't figured out who I was talking to on Instant Messenger and I'm not telling who
())m_L()+/po)() is. Humans just don't know how to read raccoon talk, do they B.J ? He He He.

PET TIP: Have your pets spayed and/or neutered. Help save lives of unwanted pets!

PARENT TIP: Before I start I have a very important message
Mom got me a big 2 ft bunny rabbit for Easter. Being a raccoon I delapidated it
very quickly and found it had very fine FLORIST WIRE for STIFFENING in the EARS
which mom pulled out with a pair of pliers so I wouldn't get hurt. She said if I had
gotten the wire broken I might have poked myself in the eye or something.
Children can get hurt by these things too !

Being a raccoon I would like to tell you a little about us.
Raccoons are a small animal with soft yellow, gray fur. There are also some variations in color. There are white (albino), red, black, golden, and silver/gray. They are a member of the weasel family. It was originally thought they were a member of the bear family, but recent studies have shown this not to be the case. They are as plentiful in town as they are in the country. Though they are a beautiful animal, they should never be approached in the wild. Even raccoons raised in captivity or as pets, are sensitive to strangers. A healthy, wild raccoon will generally shy away from people. A raccoon raised as a pet may tend to defend itself and the property it feels belongs to it, by growling or attacking the aggressor. Raccoons are a nocturnal animal, which means they sleep during the day and hunt for food at night. They may be seen very early in the morning, but generally go back to their nesting place during daylight hours. Therefore, if you see a raccoon in the day, it may be a sign that the animal is sick. The majority of the time, the animal that appears sick does not have rabies, but has distemper,which is like pneumonia in people, and renders them helpless in their defense against their enemies. I want to remind you again, never approach a raccoon in the wild. If it appears sick, call someone who knows how to take care of it.

This is BJ, He knows how to use the 'puter too !
Look at this cool award mom won!!! Thanks Tina and Tobey!!