Fish & Dips

                        Scene 1
	 (The episode starts out showing the outskirts of 
     the city and the tall, blue mountains of the forest 
     behind it. The sound of horns and zooming cars fade 
     as the camera moves deeper into the mountains. A large
     open area is seen by the audience with a large pond.
     Counting can be heard. Daggett is standing on the side
     of the pond playing paddleball with his tail. A beach
     umbrella and blanket lay next to him.)

Daggett:(while bouncing ball) 2,054 , 2,055 , 2,056 , 2,057,
        2,058 , 2,059 , 2,06- (On 2,060 the ball and string 
        detach from his tail and fall into the pond.

Daggett:Hey! Come back here you lame ball!  (With upset
        expression, he slowly walks into the water and 
        searches for the ball, He approaches a sign where 
        he finds the ball in a bed of kelp.)

Daggett:Keep off the kelp? (creates underwater effect)
       (He takes the ball while peering at it from behind 
        the sign, and slowly walks back from the bottom of 
        the pond. Soon a large fish-like shadow casts over. 
        him. He stops for a minute but then, realizing 
        he's being chased, starts swimming hurriedly back  
        to his dam. When he makes it to the surface he 
        sees the huge fin breaking through the surface
        and continuing so he keeps on paddling furiously.)

Scene 2 (Back at the dam)(Norbert is sitting on the couch and watching television. In the first few seconds we see the back of the TV at a side view and the front of Norbert.) TV:(musical) Try Juicy, Juicy, Juice! With the real fruit flavor-(Suddenly a wave crashes in before our eyes. Daggett is now under his brother.) Norbert:(soaking) What the?- Daggett:(panting between each word and making wild gestures) Ball! Fish! Swim! Monster! Tail! Bite! (grabbing tail from behind his back) Whoooooo! Norbert:(standing up and mimicking Daggett) You!(pant, pant)Not!(pant,pant)make sense! Daggett: Old Gramps! Norbert:(with hands on his hips and obvious exasperation) Not the Big Book of Scary Things again! (Daggett leaves and returns with a book. He rapidly looks from Norbert to his book. Norbert reluctantly sits down as his brother opens it. One page has a large pop-up of a huge water monster ready to eat a human.) Daggett: Old Gramps! He's out there! The legendary 100 year-old muscle lunge, a fresh water fish, so huge, he can swallow a Swede! (While saying this he moves both backs of the book toward each other so it looks as if the monster is is eating the human.) Norbert: Dag, you've nothing to worry about. (Pausing and then hopping off the couch while Daggett looks on questioningly.) You're not Swedish! Daggett:(following Norbert) Oh yeah! Look at the bite he took out of my tail!) (turns around to show Norbert the well-sized bite taken out of the end of his tail.) Norbert:(annoyed) Oh, come on! You probably just snagged it on a rock or something. Look, Old Gramps is nothing but an old beavers' tale; a story told so many times only a brainless beaver would believe it! Daggett: Well I believe it- Norbert:(Interrupting and folding his arms) I rest my case. Daggett: And brain or no brain, Norbie, I'm getting that piece of my tail back! (Says this with determination and then runs off the screen, bumping into something which creates a loud crash that Norbert and the audience can both hear.)

Scene 3 (We see a slightly far away view of a medium-sized vessel in the pond. Norbert stands in front of it with a fishing pole in hand. Daggett stands on top of the small towering room labeled "Potty" behind the steering wheel in the vessel, dressed in a sailor attire. The camera nears them.) Daggett:Ships ahoy, Matty! Norbert:It's Matey. Daggett:Whatever. Come on aboard the SS.SSSSSSSSS. (stresses the s sound.) (Norbert looks at the vessel's name, stenciled on the side of the boat, reading SS.S.SSSSS.) Daggett:(Reading Norbert's mind) I only had an S stencil. Norbert:(Sarcastically and under his breath) Super. Daggett:(Reassuringly) But, she's a seaworthy vessel, with everything I need to catch the world's largest muscle lunge including-(says the next line with great theatrical emotion)-the Musky Lounger! (Camera moves to mechanical machine with a spear-shooting ability;a chair sits behind it.) Norbert:(With more impatience than before)Dag, this is cooky! That piece of your tail is probably stuck in the mud outside the dam, have you looked?! Daggett:(With pride and satisfaction) Ah, the land lover still refuses to believe, aye? Perhaps he's just a little jealous he didn't get to see Old Gramps. Norbert:(Incredulously) Jealous?! I'm so not jealous, I'm gonna prove to you Old Gramps is a big old fiiiib. Daggett:(Turning from the Musky Lounger and arguing with retort)Fish. Norbert:(Arguing back)Fibbbbb. (Norbert continuingly stresses the b in fib throughout their argument.) Daggett: Fish. (turns the Musky Lounger again, which makes a creaking sound.) Norbert:(clasping his hands to his side)Fibbbb. Daggett: Fish- Norbert:(Interrupting)Fibbbbb,fibbbbb,fibbbbbb! (Daggett stares at Norbert.) Daggett: Fish. Eeeeee. Norbert: Fine, Captain Flounder. I'll not only prove you wrong, I'll take some snapshots for posterity. (holds up plastic bag containing camera) (Daggett pulls bar on the side of the seat to recline it, but the rope attached to the Musky Lounger's spear gets tangled on Daggett's leg which forces the seat to recline the opposite direction. He crashes against the back of the Musky Lounger, bounces on the backside of the seat, crashes through the potty door, and catches the toilet seat around his head. The other end of the rope is tied to the front of the spear which shoots off into the air pulling Daggett along with it.) Norbert:(Watches Daggett with content)There he blows!(He takes a picture. The audience sees a black and white photo fill the screen of Daggett in the air with a toilet seat around his head.)

Scene 4 (We see the SS.S.SSSSSS sailing across the pond with Daggett, still in his sailor attire, steering, and Norbert in the Musky Lounger seat listen to his brother annoyingly whistle.) Daggett:(First whistles then raises his finger) Hey, I have an idea! Let's sing us a good old-fashioned sea shanty!(changing his pretend pirate accent to a grunting one) Aye, aye, Lady! Norbert: It's Aye, aye laddy. Daggett: Whatever. Song: Yo, ho, yo, ho, once just a plain beaver! Now a fancy-pants captain with a first mat named Norb! Who won't do anything I say. but that's OK, hey! (whistle) Hey! (whistle) Norbert: I get it!(turning around) You plan to keep singing till Old Gramps gets sick, and throws up your tail! Daggett:(Returning his pretend accent) Aargh. Stop your kidding, Cabin Boy. (Daggett jumps from the roof of the potty and opens the door to the bathroom, which still has its hole from earlier. He jumps out with a new attire; a striped shirt, a white fishing hat, and a bucket of paddle balls. He salutes and then walks to the rear of the vessel.) Daggett: Aargh! All I need to catch a fish is some good old-fashioned fish bait. (Pats the pail) We'll chum the water with these paddle balls. It's my experience that Old Gramps has a real hankering for them. (He leans over the side of the boat to empty the paddle balls into the water with a shovel. Then he waits a moment, expecting Old Gramps to approach the surface.) Norbert:(With a hint of sarcasm) Hmmmm, that is odd. Old Gramps isn't racing from his shadowy depths to eat your delicious paddle balls! Daggett:(Trying to convince him) This will bring him to the surface. (Dumps all the paddle balls in, and the bucket. Then he closely examines the floating paddle balls. One by one, fish appear under each ball and spit them in Daggett's eye.) Rrrrrrrr! (Soon a fish is under every paddle ball. Daggett gulps before all the fish spit the balls at him. In the next screen we see Norbert covering his eyes as balls fly into the screen and Daggett's yelps can be heard. Norbert then uncovers his eyes to take a picture of Daggett. In the next screen we see a black and white photo fill the screen of Daggett with paddle balls in his eyes, mouth, and up his sleeves.)

Scene 5 (Daggett is now in a cage and has replaced his white hat with a blue bandanna and has put a black patch over his eye. Again, his cheesy pirate accent has returned, stronger than before.) Daggett:(Holding onto cage) Old Gramps is more cunning than I imagined. If he won't come up top, I must go down below, in my musky cage, and search for him with my own eye-(accidentally points to covered eye, as if it were injured, but realizes his mistake and points to the uncovered one)-Aye, aye! Norbert: Dag, we both know there's nothing down there! Daggett:(Persistently) Start lowering me to the bottomless depths below, Swabby!(Accidentally looks through telescope with bandaged eye, and finally exasperated, switches bandage to right eye and looks out through his left.) Norbert:(While untying rope that hold up cage) If you insisty! (The cage falls but doesn't sink, due to the shallow water. Norbert laughs) This one's for the refrigerator! (takes a picture and laughs again. Again we see another photo of Daggett in his cage, looking at the camera annoyingly.)

Scene 6 (Norbert is standing on the deck holding his camera and talking to Daggett.) Norbert: OK, Captain Aye Dag! The first 50 tries to catch Old Gramps were a lot of laughs, but now it's old!-and I'm out of film. So let's go home. (Daggett is now dressed in something NEW, again. Dressed like a sea captain rather than a pirate or sailor, he pretends to smoke a pipe but bubbles occasionally float from it instead.) Daggett:(Faces his brother incredulously) Home?! The sea is my home, Ladle. Norbert:(Correcting him)Lady!.......Wait a minute, are you calling me a lady? Daggett:(Shaking his fists)Laddy! Norbert:(Giving up patience)All right, Captain Bait for Brains!You can stay here on the planet Dag. (Daggett constantly repeats "aargh" in the backround) I'm out of here. (Norbert jumps on the side of the boat and gets ready to dive) Daggett: Shiber you tembers! Norbert:(Correcting) Shibber! Daggett: Ah, this is mutinous! Norbert:(Heavy sigh) I'll see you back at the dam. (Norbert makes a dive for the water but freezes in thin air when he sees the dark shape of a huge fish. He scampers back on deck to Daggett's side. Daggett gives him a pitiful stare as Norbert babbles and makes vague gestures with his hands and arms.) Norbert: B-i-i-i-g fish! Big! Eyes! Scary! Eeeeih! I saw Old Gramps! (shudders) Daggett: I must be dreaming, I could have sworn you said you saw- (Daggett stops in midsentence to hear the movement of water behind them. The audience sees a huge fin pass behind them. The two slowly turn around to see. They realize that Old Gramps is near and start screaming while running around the deck. They finally stop after a moment.) Daggett: Now what do we do? Norbert: I'll start the engine, you man "bum, bum, bummmmm" the Musky Lounger! Daggett:(Saluting and now using French and pirate lingo) Aye, aye, Mone Capitan! (He runs to the Musky Lounger, moving it in all directions to get a right aim. Then he holds it in one position and follows the giant fin near the boat. Instead the Musky Lounger only tosses him in circles. Norbert, meanwhile, is trying to start the engine which is being pretty stubborn. He pulls and pulls at it but smoke only rises from the engine.) Norbert: Oh please, oh please, oh please start, please start! (Then Norbert notices the large fin approaching his direction. When the fin hits the side of the boat, Norbert gets knocked down, and Daggett accidentally shoots the spear straight above. It flies to the other end of the boat and Norbert notices it coming down at him. He quickly rolls out of the way, but unfortunately the spear makes a hole in the boat. Water begins spouting from the hole and Daggett makes a small "Whoops" and plugs the hole with his tail. Again the two notice the fin rushing toward the boat. They begin running rapidly which causes the boat to spin. Norbert takes cover by jumping into Daggett's arms. Suddenly the fin crashes into the side of the boat which had just stopped spinning. Then a croaky voice comes from behind the side of the boat.) Old Gramps: Whoa, what's this thing in my way! Criminy, move it already! (Daggett and Norbert walk to the side of the boat and look over curiously.) Norbert: Old Gramps? Old Gramps: You're darn tootin'! (An old fish, smaller than themselves, shakes a hook at them. His fin appears to be 10 times larger than himself.) Old Gramps: I'm Old Gramps! Terror of the deep! Feel my wrath! (begins hacking) Daggett:(Obviously unimpressed)That's Old Gramps?! He's not so tough!(Quietly to Norbert) You keep him talking, while I reload the Musky Lounger. Norbert:(Chiding) Come on, Dag! He's a harmless, old fish! Daggett:(Incredulously) Harmless?! He ate my tail! Norbert: How could he eat you tail? He has no teeth! Daggett:(Ignoring Norbert and now focusing on Old Gramps) Give me my tail! Old Gramps: I don't have your tail! Daggett: You do have my tail, and I'm not leaving until I get it! (He disappears from the screen and returns with an anchor which he drops into the pond. The audience sees the anchor slowly drop to the bottom and land on the head of a huge fish which sleepily opens one eye. A loud noise ascends from the pond. Daggett and Norbert watch several fish jump out from the pond, birds fly away, and deer flee. The noise once again echoes through the forest, out of the mountains, and to the city. Daggett and Norbert stand in their vessel, wide-eyed and trembling.) Old Gramps: Ohhh, now you've done it. (Dag and Norb walk to the side of the boat to hear Old Gramps.) Old Gramps: You woke up my wife, Old Grams! Just when I thought I'd have an afternoon to myself. (He dives back in the water) (Suddenly a huge fish rises to the surface, big enough to create a current strong enough tip the boat and send Daggett and Norbert rolling across the deck. Daggett rushes over to the engine and pulls it the first time; the boat doesn't budge. Norbert pulls Daggett's tail while holding onto the engine starter and the boat finally begins to rush across the pond. Old Grams follows persistently and opens her mouth to swallow the SS.S.SSSSSSS. We see the end of Daggett's tail caught between her teeth.) Daggett:(Noticing his tail) My tail! Norbert: Lucky for you, she forgot to floss. (Old Grams dives beneath the water but ascends again, this time jumping on the boat, breaking it to boards and causing Daggett and Norbert to jump out from both sides of the vessel. When they notice the old fish chasing them again, they begin swimming, paddling and yelping. Soon they find their dam in sight and begin nearing it. Old Grams, herself, gets closer to devouring the two beavers........)

Scene 7 (Norbert and Daggett are sitting on their couch. Norbert is looking at his taken photos, laughing, and showing them to Daggett who is busily sewing his tail back on.) Norbert:(Laughing) You know, Dag, some of these photos really capture a different side of you. Look at this, look at this........ (Norbert continues poking photos in front of Daggett who keeps grunting and poking the needle through his tail.) Daggett: You can laugh all you want, Blubberbreath. But I proved Old Gramps exists and I got my tail back. (Door bell rings.) (Norbert gets up to answer it. A Swedish man stands in the doorway.) Swede:(With Swedish accent) Hellooo! I'm from Sweden. You won't believe this, but I was just fishing- Norbert:(Interrupting)-Yeah, yeah, I know, you got swallowed too, join the club.(He points to the group of Swedes behind him, who are waving from the sauna.) Swede: Hellooo! Sven, Lars, Lee!(Norbert rolls his eyes while watching the newcomer join his friends and gives the camera an exasperated look. Then he looks out the door, either searching for anyone else or wondering when they'll be thrown up. Conversation in the dam can be heard.) Swede: Well, lucky for us, I have plenty of Swedish meatballs! Daggett: Are you sure you didn't pack anything else? Swedes: (more conversation) Daggett: Ewwwww, I'm so sick of meatballs! (Norbert gives the camera another look, then closes the door. The dam gets smaller as the camera view grows. We soon see that the Beavers' dam is sitting on the tongue of Old Grams who happily swims off) The End This script of "Fish and Dips" was written from seeing it,hearing it, and from memory so some things might be incorrect. Original script written by Jordanna Arlkin. Copyright 1997,
Viacom International Association.

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