Born to be Beavers

TV Host: Hidiho Nature fans, and welcome to another episode of Wildlife Sheeeeeenanigans!!!!!!! This is your host, Bill Licking, joining you for this week's episode, "Beavers on the Go".
A beaver dam, cozily nestled among the virtint pines of a wilderness, located miles away from civilization's manmade domain. Let's go inside!
Here are the engaging Mr and Mrs Beaver welcoming us into their charming home!
This is Norbert, the litter's oldest son by four minutes. Since each beaver litter contains only two siblings, this shy fellow must be Daggett. One big, happy family, huh folks?
Wait, what's this? Mrs.Beaver? Could it
be?......................yes...........yes it is! A second litter! Know what that means, boys? When the second litter is born, the first is primed and ready to strike out on their own.
So as Mr and Mrs Beaver bid their sons a tearful goodbye, we join them in saying...................(ahem) before, we join them in saying, proudly hold your paddle tails high boys, and gooooooooood luck!!!!!!!!!

Born to be Beavers Scene 2: Daggett: I can't believe it, Norbert. Norbert: What's that, Daggett? Daggett: Our own parents kicked us out. Norbert: They didn't kick us out! Mom had a second litter and we were the first. It's the beaver way. Daggett: But Nobie! Where will we go, how will we survive? Norbert: It's easy to survive. You got your beaver survival kit, don't you Dag? Daggett: No! Norbert: Oh...........that's not good. I was just kidding around. Stop worrying, we'll be just fine. Come on BIIIIIIIG HUUUUG!!!! Yeah, come on! That's right, who loves ya huh? Just keep telling yourself, we're a couple of swingin' bachelor beavers, foot loose and fancy free! Daggett: Hey, that's right! Why we could even build a dam of our own! Born to be Beavers Scene 3: Daggett: I know! Let's bould it here! Norbert: Whoa! Hold on, big stallion! If you're gonna build a bachelor pad you have to build it right. Daggett: Right! Norbert: So you get to work, and I'll make sure it's right. Born to be Beavers Scene 4: (no talking) Born to be Beavers Scene 5: Daggett: Hey, Norb, how 'bout some help with this tree? Norbert? Hey Norbert! Norbert: Daggett, over here! No, not down there, up here, on the bridge! Come on up, this is cool! Daggett: N-n-n-no, you come down here, we're supposed to be putting together a dam! Norbert: Okay, don't come up here! Daggett: This better be cool, Buddy boy. Born to be Beavers Scene 6: Daggett: Norbert, what do you think you're doing? Norbert: My friend, I have found the perfect pre-fabricated wooden strutcure for our bachelor pad. Daggett: We're beavers, remember? We're supposed to be building a dam! Norbert: Give me one good reason why this isn't the ideal place to crutch! (bridge starts shaking) Daggett: What's that?! (train passes over bridge) Norbert: (as they bump across bridge) Okay, give me another good reason! (both fall down bridge) Born to be Beavers Scene 7: Daggett: Now look Norbert, we're supposed to be building a place to live! Norbert: Who says? Don't put me in your little box Mr. Man! Daggett: Huh? Norbert: Don't tell me what to do, I can do anything I want! Daggett: Sooooooo can I! And maybe I don't want you to help me build a dam! Norbert: Well if that's the way you want it, fine. See you around, Doofus. Daggett: Spoothead! Norbert: Fuzzwad! Daggett: Numbooger! Norbert: Stinkface! Daggett: Weasel Weanie! Norbert: Droopy pants! Daggett: OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! Born to be Beavers Scene 8: Daggett: All I need is a few more trees. (hears laughing in henhouse, looks in window) Norbert: Please, ladies! I couldn't eat another bite! Daggett: (in doorway) Norbert, what in Davey Crockett's sweatstained buckskins is going on?! Norbert: Well look who's here, it's Mr. Happy Pants! Ladies, this is my lovely brother I've been telling you about. Careful, or he'll suck the fun right out of the room! Daggett: What do you think you're doing? Norbert: I'm kicking back, having a good time! Daggett: Look, I'm willing to let bygones be bygones. Come back and help me finish the dam, and I'll let you stay! Norbert: I got a better idea! You move in here and maybe we'll let you stay! Daggett: What? Here? Live in a henhouse? Norbert: Not a henhouse, my friend. El Polo Grande! Hasianda! Just check out these groovy digs! We'll have everything we need! How can you say no to that? Daggett: Like this, noooooooo. (chickens start clucking because farmer is coming) Farmer: Okay, chickies, let's have the eggs! Chicken: (farmer reaches in nest) Ba kah! Chicken: (farmer reaches in nest) Ba kah! Norbert: Wheeeeewww. Daggett: Cluck, cluck, cluck-ing. Cluck, cluck, cluck-ing. (Farmer reaches in nest) Daggett: OOOOOOOOOOhh!! Cold hand! Farmer: (to the dogs) 'Sick em boys, get them ugly weasels! Born to be Beavers Scene 9: Daggett: (to dogs) Yeah, and your cousin is a three legged toadstool! Norbert: Boy, that was close! Daggett: That's it?! That's all you can say after all this happened?! Norbert: What, what? We're safe now, the dogs are gone, we're out of the storm! Daggett: EEERRRRR!!! That's it, I've had enough! I'm going back to the dam, storm or no storm! (falls out of the car and runs back in when he gets hit by lighting) Norbert: Wasn't it great? You got your whole life to build dams! If it means that much to you, I'll help. Daggett: You will? Norbert: Rightio ready! Meanwhile, check out the cool stuff we have right here! Nice cushy cushions, relaxation, entertainment system, the view! Ok, we'll sing. The point is relax, we'll be fine right here! (laughs) Daggett: What's so funny? What are you laughing at? Norbert: You telling those dogs their cousin is a three legged toadstool! Pretty funny! Both: (laughing) Daggett: You know Bro, this is kinda nice! Norbert: What I tell you? Daggett: You're right! All I need to do is kick back! (hits the brake and cars starts rolling down) Norbert: Notice how when you really relax, it sometimes feels like you're moving! Daggett: Moving? (looks out window) Holy! We're moving! Norbert: That's right we're moving, moving on out! Daggett: (takes control of steering wheel) We're out of control! Norbert: Do we ever have control? (car gets hit by another car and flies over road) Daggett: Out of the way, harberhead! (car continues) Daggett: Whoooooo!!!!!!!! Norbert: That's right Dag, let go of your frustrations! (car runs through trees and cuts them. Then the seat of car flies out and all the trees and them on the seat fall in the pond and trees form a dam) Norbert: My, friend, you have done it! Daggett: I have? I mean, I have! Norbert: See? I told you if you sit back and relax the job will get done! We now have our very own dam! Daggett: Gee, maybe I should relax more often! Norbert: That's the spirit! Come on, BIIIIIIIIG HUUUUUG!!!!!! ( Daggett struggling in the backround) Come on, you know you want it! Give me a big one, you handsome goof you!

This script of "Born To Be Beavers" was written from seeing it,hearing it, and from memory so some things might be incorrect. Original script written by Mitchell Schauer. Copyright 1997, Viacom International Association.

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