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LAST UPDATED: August 7th, 1998

Hey everybody! I'm so sorry that I haven't updated for months. I intended to do so much on this site over the summer, but it turned out that I can spend more time with friends than I expected. Anyways, no REAL work has been done here yet. I'm trying to think of new sections to add, and hopefully it won't take long. For now, I just put up a Sailor Moon site for all of you Sailor Moon fans out there. And, ummmmmmmmm.... Thanks so much for your support! If you want to be put on a list, (one time only thing, not an actual mailing list) I'll email you when I get this site ready. Thanks!

"Questworld logon! Subjects Jonny Quest and Jessie Bannon!" said Hadji.

"Going hot!" Jessie added.

"Uh, Jess? Where are we?" asked Jonny.

"I don't know, Jonny. And I don't think I wanna find out!"

"Where you are is where you will stay!" chimed in a familiar voice.

"SURD!" yelled Jonny.

"That's right!" he laughed.

* Surd logs out of Questworld as Jonny leaps for him. *

"Don't worry, Jess. I'll get us out of here!"

"Yeah, but... where is here?"

"The system has locked up! You must find your own way out, my friends!" said Hadji.

"Hadji, any read-out of where we are?" asked Jonny.

"I am trying, Jonny."

"Well, Jess, we might as well do SOMETHING while Hadji finds where we are!"


* There is silence for a moment. *

Then Jonny spoke up. "So... you like... stuff?"

* Hadji types busily at the computer, and finally traces a location. *

"I believe I have spotted your location, my friends."

"GREAT! Where are we?" said Jonny.

"In... a web site."

"A WEB SITE?!" Jonny and Jessie said simultaneously.

"Hadji, are you telling me that we are lost in Cyberspace?" said Jonny.

"Remember Jonny, one is never lost. However, you do seem to be in Cyberspace."

"But-- that's not possible! Questworld isn't an Internet Connection!" stammered Jessie.

"Yes, but it is connected to Surd's system, and he may have used it to connect to Cyberspace." explained Hadji.

"So what do we do?" sighed Jessie.

"We simply--" started Hadji.

"Wait!" finished Jonny.

"WHAT?!" yelled Hadji and Jessie in unison.

"This is a WEB SITE! I wanna check it out first!"

"Oh no you're not!! We are going straight--" started Jessie.

"RELAX, Jess! What could POSSIBLY go wrong?"


Fan Art

Quest Test

Clips from the Show!

(All My Own Clips!)


Jessie's Pink Outfit

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