
Welcome to the Poets Corner



The Reading Room

Writers Workshop

Adventures in History


Oh! What fun!! Playing with words is almost better than Silly Putty!  Now don''t be shy, just give it a try.   Read poems at the sites below and then try your hand at the three poetry styles at the bottom of the page.  Plunge right in -  Poetry's fun and it's so easy!! 

.Poems for Children
Kidz Page Stone Soup
Poetry for Kids
Toona Cat's Kids Club
Young Writers Clubhouse

Write Some Poetry of Your Own

The Diamante
Character Poem

Poets Corner designed
and maintained by
Carolyn Murdoch
Last updated 8/14/99
I hope you enjoyed viisiting the Poets Corner.  I hope you wrote a poem or two while you were here.  For comments or suggestions, please email me.