An Internet Training Program

Search Engines
Teacher Sites
Welcome to the wonderful world of the Internet!  This brief training is designed to give you a beginning exposure to all the many, many benefits Internet use can bring into your classroom for you and your students.  As an outcome of this training, you should be able to use search engines more efficiently, access educational sites to find lesson plans appropriate to your grade level or subject area, download  software for trial use, and create your own graphics file for use in creating your own Web page.  Relax! We'll move slowly, and this page is user friendly

Lesson One: Successful  Searching
Try out each search engine with a specific topic in mind.
                  Keep track of your results on the Recording Sheet.

Snap Alta Vista Yahoo Dogpile

Lesson Two: Teacher Sites - Goodies for You
Explore as many of these sites as time allows.  Note which ones are "teacher friendly."

Blue Web'n Classroom Connect Busy Teachers' WebSite Kids on Campus
KidsWeb Armadillo Teacher's Edition
WebSites and 
Resources for Teachers

Lesson Three: Trial Software and Shareware

      Go to each of these sites.  Find at least one software application or downloadable program you could use in your classroom.  Follow the online instructions for download.  Be mindful of file size and estimated time to download.
Bob Bowman's Guide 

Lesson Four: Your Own Graphics File

      The Internet is full of wonderful places to find free clipart, graphics, video clips, audio files and more.  Explore these sites to find graphics to save to your own graphics file.
Magic Web Clipart Galleries The Mining Company A+B+C Web Graphics
A-1 Clipart Archive Clipart Connection Best Clipart


NetQuest developed 
and maintained by
Judith C. Murdoch
updated 12/12/99
For comments and suggestions, please email me.

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