South Columbia
School Notes

Assistive Technology
A Guide for Parents and Teachers

Today more than ever, technology is playing an increasingly significant part in the education of our children.  Technology has found its way into nearly every aspect of school life from computerized report cards and "credit card" lunch tickets and library cards to complex, multi-media presentations.  There is no doubt that the use of educational technology has changed and improved the learning opportunities for today's children.

As parents and educators, we need to assure equal access to this technology for all students, especially those with disabilities.  Assistive technology helps many people with disabilities to use computers, computer software, and the Internet.  Assistive technology can also help slow learners and learning disabled students in the regular classroom.  The purpose of this site is to offer resources to parents and teachers who might use some form of assistive technology with their children.

Glossary of terms and definitions.

Organizations and agencies for assistive technologies.

Publications in technology and special education.

Assistive technology resource links.

Assistive technology products and software applications.

Technical Glossary


    Assistive technology is the term we use to describe any product used to improve the abilities of persons with disabilities.

Augmentative technology refers to devices used to help people with speech or other communication disabilities.

AAC refers to augmentative alternative communication devices.  Such devices include text to speech systems, voice recognition systems, screen readers, and speech synthesizers.

Universal Access  with regard to the Internet means that a Web site is designed so that persons with hearing or visual impairments can "read" the site.

 Adaptive Technology is any device that has been adapted for use by persons with disabilities. These might include pointing devices for students who cannot use their fingers on a standard keyboard or special keyboard adaptations such as tactile locator dots, key guards, or speech feedback keystroke devices.

Software and Utility applications include major utilities such as computer operating systems and individual software programs which are specifically modified to provide access. Examples include MAcintosh "Close View" and Windows "Access Utilities" and such software as WriteOutLoud, a talking word processor.

Agencies and Organizations:
           Assistive Technology Alliance
               GPAT  Georgia Project for Assistive Technology

Publications Links:
          Closing the Gap
             Missouri AT Newsletter
             National Assistive Technology Advocacy Newsletter

Assistive Technology Resource Links:
            LD Online
              Excellent AT Links
           ATEN Resources
Products and Software
           Center for Applied Special Technology
           Dragon Systems Speech and Voice Recognition Software
           Kurzweil Voice Recognition and Voice Activated
            NCIP National Center to Improve Practice in Special Education

This page created by Judith C. Murdoch
If you have comments or suggestions or a good link to add please email me.
Last updated 10/10/99