Making Fun of the

harff harff..
jokes about the swedish (in finnish)

Feeling sorry for all those millions of people that will visit this page and not know finnish I've decided to try to translate some..

TO P 10

Why don't swedish blondes wear miniskirt? So that their balls wouldn't show.

A swede calls to Finnair's phoneservice and asks "How long will it take to fly from Stockholm to Oslo via Helsinki?". The operatos says "Just a moment..". The swede goes "ah, thank you. Good day" and hangs up.

A swedish tourist was travelling in England. He got to a lake where there was sign saying "Toxic water. Do not drink" but the poor swede didn't understand any he started drinking from the lake. One of the local people saw him and started shouting "Don't drink it! It's poisonous!". The swede lift his head and said "Förlåt mig, jag är from Sverige och jag förstår inte engelska, vad sa du?" (Excuse me but I'm from Sweden and I don't understand any english, what did you say?)and the local guy says "Jag sa bara att drick med båda händer. Så är det snabbare" (I just said that you should drink with both's faster that way)

What do you call a swedish blond in a cupboard? The 1995 hide and seek-worldchampion..

-Do you know how to save a drowning swede?


-GOOD! :)

A swede counting his money "one, two, three, four, another one, another one, another one, yet another one.."

What do the letter 'TF' mean in swedish shoes? Toes first.

A group of people from different nations went to a restaurant and orderd wine. They wine was served but then they noticed that there was a fly in every glass.

The swede demanded for a new set of wine to the same glass

The englishman demanded for a new set of wine to a new glass

The finn took the fly out of the wine and drank it

The russian drank the wine with the fly

The chinese man ate the fly but left the wine to the glass

The jew cought the fly and sold it to the chinese man

The scottish man grabbed the fly from it's throat and shouted "You're going to God damn throw up all you drank!"

The american sued the restaurant for causing pain and suffering for 65 million.

How do you sink a swedish submarine? Knock on the hatch.

How do you sink a swedish submarine again? Knock on the hatch so someone comes to open it just to say "We're not falling on that one again"

If you haven't died of laughter yet then the next thing to do is to learn finnish and check some more from the link above...


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