two stupid looking idiots I turned 20 and Emma turned 21 a couple of days earlier so we decided to have a little party..*grin*Tuuli (aka Makepeace) doing my hair. You gotta love that smile!*l*..I wonder what was so damn funny anyway?*l*..The wooden cat pin on my blouse I got from Emma as a b-day gift and she got a Kermit-mug in return..*grin*..BTW..I broke the pin that night..and actually I can't say I'm 100% sure I know where it is now..*l* two even more stupid looking idiots Me and my friend Emma..I wonder what was so interesting in the ceiling cause I keep looking up there..*lol*..

Tuuli singing to a brush..Emma..having a beer.. Tuuli singing Prince Igor..be glad you weren't there..*lol*..What's wrong with her cheeks anyway?*l*..the little tapes on her wall..*achum* they were left from the x-mas when she tried to hang her x-mas lights to the wall..it didn't work out quite the way she wanted.so..the lights were put into the closet and the tapes..well..they's still on her wall..*lol*
I was talking something about b-day gifts up the page and well..So happened that I spent my x-mas in Holland and was left with less gifts than ever in my life..(not that it would have been worth it*s*) but anyway..instead of big pile of stuff..I got this one little humangously cute puppy from my chatpals..*s* You can see it live in action with me on my 'Person behind the handle'-page..but I happened to find another photo of it from the net..and since I started a list of goodies I've gotten and given..here we go..*s*..adorable..*deep sigh*

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