The Person Behind the Handle
me..smilin' to you..*grin*
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My name is Sannika. I was born in December, 1977. I live (always have lived) in Finland. Born near the russian border in a town called Lappeenranta . After that I lived in the west coast of Finland, in Turku for almost 2 years. Studied there to be a cook.Now I've moved back least for this summer to work.*s*

What do I do?..

I chat a lot. Got the hang of this bad but oh so relaxing hobby in the spring of '97. Since that I've been doing basically nothing but chatting(when ever I have an access to a cpu), sleeping (when and where ever I find a place and the time) and well..I guess I studied as well..*s*

What would I want to do?..

I like going to the movies a lot, but since my wollet is usually just a place where to keep photos, I don't do movies as often as I would like to. But when I have the money I choose the most juicy, multi special effected science fiction SPACE movie. Favorites are the STAR WARS of course, MIB , 12 Monkeys , Independence day , The Fifth Element and yes.. the Starship Troopers , laughed my ass off in that movie...and then there is this one film in particular that doesn't fit in the given gategory at all but still is possibly the best movie ever made..Fried Green Tomatoes is my ab fav. Some other stuff I would LIKE to better than a greasy, salty piece of junkfood or a sweet, sweet piece of....anything *lol* BUT..I don't want to end up looking like IDEFIX in this pic..
'food, food is good'..*l*
*lol* Some other things I would LIKE to do..or have..a little in Holland, own a navy blue Ferrari with IDEFIX painted on the side..*lol* J/K, finally get my drivers license in order..*l*, have a distant planet or a star named after me, travel in South-America and the Pacific Ocean islands, know how to fly and and and and..this and that and those..*lol*

Things that I don't like..

Living too far apart from my love, that's the thing I hate most. I hate arrogant cpu's. They can destroy my day. I hate...or maybe I should say least..most of them.. Now you must be thinking why's that. Well..the thing is that as a person born in just simply don't like swedes..comes with the citizenship..but I have to admit that there are exeptions...rare..but they do exist..And well..lately I have met so many nice swedes that I'm having a hard time not to delete this part..but..still..a swede is a matter what..*l*..what else..I don't especially like time ...It goes either waaayyyyyy too fast or waaayyyyyy too slow...But that's about it..the things I DON'T like..weren't that many now were there? *s*

Things that I love ..
I love my love ..*lol* a handsome dutch boy(now he gets offended..*l*) called Erik, who I met through the a chatbox. We met after the easter of 1997. Chatted a lot and then we finally met each others when he came to Finland for a couple of weeks in summer '97. I had the time of my life *gets drawn in her sweet memories, sigh*. Anyway..he's the first thing in my mind in the morning when I wake up and the last thing in the evening when I fall asleep (not that I wouldn't dream of him when asleep too..*lol*) and the first thing in my list of things that I love.. What else..I love my homecountry FI NL AND . I am patriotic in some know..usually crying when a Finnish team or athlete wins gold and I can hear the national anthem (you need a Real Player to listen) played to millions of people. And in the sense of being extremely happy when I hear a foreigner saying something nice about my homecountry. Just proud of it..*s* Other things that I love..My and dada.. and of course my sister Petra..and the close relatives, FOOD *l*, good friends, Sting 's music and being lucky (not that it would happen to me too much though..)..And well..I like 'things'..(*lol*) cause they have a nice way of figuring themselves out eventually...*s*And I love the fact that I have more things on my love list than on my hate list..*l* old, wrinkled and yellow picture of two little brats..*l*
The picture on the right is AT LEAST 15 years old and there you can see my sister Petra on the left and me on the right..*s*

"Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic" by The Police

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