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This picture was taken 1st of May 1998 in Finland. I'm wearing my graduation hat like every one is in every year on 1st May..*s* cute aren't we?*s*
Erik and Sammie he's a catch isn't he? *grin*..*l*
*sigh*...nothing to say but I feel I should blab something..uumm..I needed a haircut..*l* me on Erik's lap
me getting my neck sore..*lol* Ugh..a shoulder to lean on..*s*
slurp..*l*..yah well..I know it might look gross but hey..every couple must have at least one kissing pic..*l* kissing..*s*
stiff'n'dressed..*lol* We were going to a new years party..and we look pissed (as in mad) don't we? well..excuses coming up..*l* Erik was sick..really sick that night...and I HATE being in take a good look cause you wont be seeing me in a dress that often..

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