fatal Idefix
Date of Birth:28. March 1963
Owner and best friend:Obelix
Favourite food:Bones
Other characteristics:Hates trees being cut down

Name map
If the name IDEFIX hasn't rang a bell yet, you're either a non comic book reader, born in a country with a wierd/creative comicbook translators or just non-sivilized *grin*. Here's a list of my names used in other countries/languages, which might help you...

Catalan - IDEAFIX

Esperanto - SNUFIX

Flemish - IDEEFIX

Greek(anc) - SKYLAKAS

Greek(mod) - INTEFIX


Afrikaans - WOOFIX

Brazilian - IDEIAFIX

Estonian - IDEEFIX

Polish - IDEFIKS

Arabic - ANIDIKS


English - DOGMATIX

Hebrew - MAVRIX

Icelandic - KRILRIKUR

Luxenbourgisch - IDDIFIX

Portuguese - IDEIAFIX


Croatian - SNUPIX

Serbian - GAROVIKS

looking extremely cute A LOT names, don't you think? But as they say..a beloved child has a lot of names...And who wouldn't fall in love with this cute creature..

"Hulluja nuo roomalaiset!"

"What on earth was that??!!" You're thinking..well..I'll tell you. 1 st It's finnish and 2 nd It's Obelix' absolute favorite saying that he repeats pretty often, he tends to poke his head at the same time while saying it..*grin*..You know it by now? If you don't just find your language from the list and your thirst for knowledge will be quenched..

Afrikaans - Hierdie romaine is mal!

Czech - Ti rimani jsou ale blazni!

Danish - De er skore, de Romere!

Dutch - Rare jongens, die Romeinen!

English - These Romans are crazy!

Esperanto - Ili frenezas, tiuj romianoj!

French - Ils sont fous ces Romains!

Estonian - Need roomlased on hullud!

Finnish - Hulluja nuo roomalaiset!

Flemish - Gekke jongens onze vrienden!

German - Die spinnen, die Römer!

Greek - Einai treloi aytoi oi romaioi!

Indonesian - Orang-orang Romawi memang gila!

Italian - Sono Pazzi Questi Romani!

Japanese - Kichigai da, koitsura romajin wa!

Latin - Delirant isti Romani!

Norwegian - Romerne er spro!

Swedish - De är inte kloka de där romarna!

'tock tock'


Somehow these 2 boars found a little of Miraculix' power potion and no matter how fast me, my best pal Obelix and Asterix ran, we couldn't reach was the first time we were left without a dinner..
Huh! Pigs might fly!

Pictures of some Asterix comic book characters
A lot of different Idefix pictures

The Knight Rider Theme

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