The Netherlands counter..

A shortcut to The Netherlands counter II

A shortcut to The Netherlands counter III

A shortcut to The Netherlands counter IV

After 5 months of waiting I will see my love again..This page is mainly for me to see how close I'm getting to see him again..*s*I'll mark the days only when I have been by a computer..

29.09.1997-------- 80 days to go...
30.09.1997--------79 days to go...
01.10.1997--------78 days to go...
02.10.1997--------77 days to go...
03.10.1997--------76 days to go...
06.10.1997--------73 days to go...
07.10.1997--------72 days to go...
08.10.1997--------71 days to go...
09.10.1997-------- 70 days to go...
10.10.1997--------69 days to go...
13.10.1997--------66 days to go...
14.10.1997--------65 days to go...
15.10.1977--------64 days to go...
16.10.1997--------63 days to go...
I miss you Erik...
17.10.1997--------62 days to go...
21.10.1997--------58 days to go...
22.10.1997--------57 days to go...
23.10.1997--------56 days to go...
24.10.1997--------55 days to go...
27.10.1997--------52 days to go...
28.10.1997--------51 days to go...
29.10.1997-------- 50 days to go...
I love you schatje...
30.10.1997--------49 days to go...
03.11.1997--------45 days to go...
04.11.1997--------44 days to go...
05.11.1997--------43 days to go...
06.11.1997--------42 days to go...
07.11.1997--------41 days to go...
10.11.1997--------38 days to go...
11.11.1997--------37 days to go...
Getting there...*s*
12.11.1997--------36 days to go...
13.11.1997--------35 days to go...
14.11.1997--------34 days to go...
17.11.1997--------31 days to go...
18.11.1997-------- 30 days to go...
19.11.1997--------29 days to go...
20.11.1997--------28 days to go...
21.11.1997--------27 days to go...
24.11.1997--------24 days to go...
25.11.1997--------23 days to go...
26.11.1997--------22 days to go...
27.11.1997--------21 days to go...
So little left..*s*
28.11.1997-------- 20 days to go...
29.11.1997--------19 days to go...
30.11.1997--------18 days to go...
Plans changed..leaving on 16th..
01.12.1997--------15 days to go...
02.12.1997--------14 days to go...
03.12.1997--------13 days to go...
04.12.1997--------12 days to go...
05.12.1997--------11 days to go...
08.12.1997--------8 days to go...
09.12.1997--------7 days to go...
10.12.1997--------6 days to go...
11.12.1997--------5 days to go...
12.12.1997--------4 days to go...
15.12.1997--------1 day to go...

It's 13th of january 1998 now..I was in the Netherlands..had a great time and now I'm back..*sigh* I hope to be able to build a new counter soon..see you then *s*

The Netherlands counter II..

A shortcut to The Netherlands counter III

A shortcut to The Netherlands counter IV

Well..the name should really be The Finland counter cause my love is coming here..but we go again..*s*

03.2.1998--------81 days...
05.2.1998--------79 days...
06.2.1998--------78 days...
09.2.1998--------75 days...
10.2.1998--------74 days...
11.2.1998--------73 days...
12.2.1998--------72 days...
13.2.1998--------71 days...
14.2.1998--------70 days...
15.2.1998--------69 days...
16.2.1998--------68 days...
17.2.1998--------67 days...
18.2.1998--------66 days...
19.2.1998--------65 days...
20.2.1998--------64 days...
21.2.1998--------63 days...
22.2.1998--------62 days...
23.2.1998--------61 days...
Been away this stuff
27.2.1998--------57 days...
02.3.1998--------54 days...
05.3.1998--------51 days...
06.3.1998--------50 days...
07.3.1998--------49 days...
08.3.1998--------48 days...
09.3.1998--------47 days...
10.3.1998--------46 days...
11.3.1998--------45 days...
12.3.1998--------44 days...
13.3.1998--------43 days...
14.3.1998--------42 days...
15.3.1998--------41 days...
16.3.1998--------40 days...
Going to the travel agency, yahoo!'s halfway hon *s*
Visited Stockholm..back again
20.3.1998--------35 days...
flights are changed
23.3.1998--------32 days...
24.3.1998--------31 days...
25.3.1998--------30 days...
26.3.1998--------29 days...
30.3.1998--------25 days...
31.3.1998--------24 days...
01.4.1998--------23 days...
02.4.1998--------22 days...
03.4.1998--------21 days...
06.4.1998--------18 days...
1 year anniversary
07.4.1998--------17 days...
08.4.1998--------16 days...
09.4.1998--------15 days...
10.4.1998--------14 days...
11.4.1998--------13 days...
12.4.1998--------12 days...
13.4.1998--------11 days...
14.4.1998--------10 days...
15.4.1998--------09 days...
16.4.1998--------08 days...
17.4.1998--------07 days...
only one lousy week to go..*s*
20.4.1998--------04 days...
21.4.1998--------03 days...
22.4.1998--------02 days...
23.4.1998--------01 days...
*biiiiiig smile*
15.05 cet+1
none left...

So 2 weeks passed...and went by too quick..he's back in Holland..and I'm here. We'll see about the #III..*s*

The Netherlands counter III..

Kinda late with this this time..but..the less left the better..*s* I'm getting Erik here for a month this time..*s*

16.6.1998--------20 days...
17.6.1998--------19 days...
18.6.1998--------18 days...
19.6.1998--------17 days...
20.6.1998--------16 days...
21.6.1998--------15 days...
22.6.1998--------14 days...
23.6.1998--------13 days...
24.6.1998--------12 days...
25.6.1998--------11 days...
26.6.1998--------10 days...
27.6.1998--------09 days...
28.6.1998--------08 days...
29.6.1998--------07 days...
30.6.1998--------06 days...
01.7.1998--------05 days...
02.7.1998--------04 days...
03.7.1998--------03 days...
04.7.1998--------02 days...
05.7.1998--------01 days...
One more short day to go

he came and stayed for a whole month...was a great great month..ended too soon though..*s*

The Netherlands counter IV..

A shortcut to The Netherlands counter II

A shortcut to The Netherlands counter III

I'm way late with putting this counter up but better late than never they say..*s*

This 4th counter might just well be the last one..cause he ain't coming here for a vacation this time..and neither am I going to Holland for a couple of weeks..I'm MOVING there...*s*

13.9.1998--------12 days...
14.9.1998--------11 days...
15.9.1998--------10 days...
16.9.1998--------09 days...
17.9.1998--------08 days...
18.9.1998--------07 days...
19.9.1998--------06 days...
20.9.1998--------05 days...

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