Cool background page..*lol*

Yes! It is here! The world's first ( I think ) page dedicated to a cool background..eventhough it's so unpractically's just cool..And MADE for my here you go..Now you've witnessed this miracle..*lol* You can tell about this remarkable sight to your children and grandchildren yet to come..and the story of the page dedicated to a cool background will go on from generations to generations..okay've seen it..

a HUGE blue arrow pointing down

a HUGE blue arrow pointing down

a HUGE blue arrow pointing down



Okay..I admit..I was feeling a little funny when doing this..but I was just cleaning my files and found an unused background that I found totally..COOL!*lol* so..I though..what the deserves it's own page..since I will not ever use it otherwise..I don't like this dark backgrounds..anyway..Now it has it's place in the net..*happy happy joy joy*..*lol*

Beverly Hills 90210 theme
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