Pics of my chat friends..
And some random thruths about the dutch..*s*

A VERY suitable and accurate poem about us people in the chatrooms..I liked it the minute I read it..*s*
Friends without faces

you're witnessing a doublemurder attempt..*lol* These pics are almost all taken from Utrecht, the Netherlands..And what do we have here...most wierd looking people..*l*..Like in this pic we have Spaceman Spiff, ***Madzia*** and Sherlock..sounds cool huh?*lol* well..I'm awfully sorry to brake this to you..but Spaceman Spiff's REAL name isn't Spaceman Spiff..well..*heh* you know..Spaceman Spiff is really not a name at all..yeah..I know..I couldn't believe it either the first time I heard it..*lol* but they say it's true..anyway..he's just plain Sander..(sorry pal*lol*)And then in the middle we have the swedish (I know..the sweater is norwegian but she's a swede..unfortunately..*lol* so..what I'm saying here is that don't let the outside fool you..she's one of them!*lol*)wondergirl..Madz..obviously she's trying to squeeze Sander between herself and the wall(is doing pretty okay actually..*waves*..*l*) and Leo on the right..he's getting strangled..*lol* My memories from that evening aren't THAT clear but I'm pretty sure Leo was still alive though when we left the bar..yeah..I think so...*lol* And like mentioned already..the tall guy on the right is Leo..and the ciggies in front of him aren't his..cause he's probably the most anti- ,anti- ,anti-smoking person I've ever met in my life..*l*
And here we still the very same little pub we mysteriously found ourselves in after walking miles and miles and miles along a canal in Utrecht. Man I've seen bikes in my life..but not BIKES!*lol* I must have passed 29035454926 bikes that were leaning against the fence that kept people from jumping to the canal..why would they jump to the canal?*lol* well..I was getting close..I got hit by a newly found decease while's just been diagnosed and the doctors call it by the name THE HIDIOUS CYCLOPHOBIA! yeah..symptoms are jumping to a near by lakes, sae, canal and whatever water cause that is the only place the patient feels he's safe from all those bikes..patients also often have hallusinations and nightmears about being ran over by bikes, crushed by bikes, get hit by bikes, squashed by bikes, smashed by bikes..etc...the list is nearly now you know this too..*lol* Oh and..*achum*..just for the record..Those drinks on the table are not mine..really..I've never seen them before..HONEST!*l* Sander, Madz and Leo. Sander, Madz and Leo. Sander, Madz and Leo. Sander, Madz and Leo. Sander, Madz and Leo. Sander, Madz and Leo. Sander, Madz and Leo.
The royal eye on you..oo..spooky..*l* Another pic of Sander, Madz and Leo...and me..*lol*..hhmm..In case you wonder who's face the bar owner has gotten painted to the kitchen/toilet wall..well..that's their queen Beatrix..I didn't really feel that comfy going to the toilet and getting looked after by a royal eye..*lol* and well..that particular toilet wasn't one of my favs in any other ways either..but..I don't whine..*l* I mean..well..You know what they have in ALL dutch toilets? The seat is normal (thank God*lol*) but the water wouldn't believe if I'd tell you..what the heck..I'll tell you..*lol*dutch taps are old fashioned! You have one screw thing for cold and one for hot..I'll show you a dutchtap --> two of these..and a finnish tap--> You have any idea how many times you burn or freeze your hands before the water is okay with the dutch one?? Gosh..Let me tell you how WE finns do it..*grin* the more you lift it..the more water comes..on the right you have cold and on the left you have warm and in the middle it's perfect..all you do is lift..and it moves now you know this too..*lol*
You can never imagine what an impossible task it is to take a picture of Sander..Madz and Erik tried..gotta give 'em credit for this..*grin*..The plavce we're's in Utrecht like I mentioned earlier..the BIG trainstation..Something about dutch trains though..I think a word of worning is required here..*achum* see..normally trains have at 13.52 and arriving at 15.24 and then the trains really leave at 13.52 and really arrive at least that's what I thought BEFORE I experienced a trip in a NS-train..I'll add an identification picture's animated so it looks real..memorize the colors of the train and the logo in the loco motion.. Never get on a train looking like this! why? Because 1.It never arrives to the station on time and you have to wait for ages..although when you count on that and come a little has just left 2.You will never get where you wanted to go 3.If you will you're at least 30 mins late 4.You might find yourself from a middle of nowhere station where the train has stopped after an announcement in the loudspeakers "the train is stopping.get out.thank you.come again." enough reasons? *lol* you know this too.. Sander getting his hair ripped off..not that it would do any harm*l*
I did it..I God damn did it..*lol* I succeeded!*l* There you go..a surprise pic and he's facing the cam..*grin* GOTCHA!..*l* didn't know that was coming, did you..*s*..suckeeerrr...*l* About this station though..I said it was dutch scale too..but think how big it was to me..I've lived 80% of my life in a city with 55 000 I bet there must have been 55 000 people on that station..*lol* (well..gotta say..JFK was a LITTLE bit bigger..*grin*) But anyway..I mean..look at the size of the hall! How high it Finland we'd use that hall as a javelin throwers practise place..*lol* And there was shops in there..and I'm not talking about little flower kiosks held by old wrinkled were selling clothes there..and the best of all..there was a shop where they were wont believe this..GOLFCLUBS!! I mean..THINK!! GOLFCLUBS MAN!!*lol* who the hell is going to by a GOLFCLUB on his way to see his mom with the train or going to work already 5 mins late??..Just think..who buys GOLFCLUBS from a railwaystation at ANY time???*lol*..the dutch...*lol* you know this too..
And here we have a whole different bunch..First you can of course (?*lol*) spot me on Erik's lap..the backrow from left is Ronald (aka Illegal Romeo) and then Debby and Roel..they're not from the chat but instead they're 2 VERY nice people that I met in Holland..*s* Not too good in Monopoly though..*lol* sorry..I just won it for the first time in my life and I can't stop advertising it..*lol* I was kinda good though..*LOL*....Oh and speak of the devil (monopoly in this case *l*)I don't know about the BIG WORLD the finnish monopoly the things you play with..are made out of steel..there's a tiny limousine, a tiny tophat, a tiny shoe, a tiny dog and one more tiny figure that I can't remember..*l*and that is with what you mark your position with..but not in the dutch version..*sigh* I can't simply understand how I WON (*l*) without my tiny tophat..ah well..and another thing..the streets were from different cities..I the finnish monopoly all the streets are from Helsinki (Finland's capital in case someone doesn't know *l*) Guess we just don't have big enough streets anywhere else..*l* wont have to wonder all this stuff now in case you ever sit down to play dutch monopoly cause now you know this too..*s* People posing, smiling and grinning..

that's all Sorry but that's all..for now..*s*

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